2021 Vol. 40, No. 6
Article Contents

HUANG Hui, LU Yanming, LI Yangchun, ZHANG Wenhua, ZHANG Dake, ZHAO Youzhi, LI Chao, CHEN Yuanyuan. Intelligent geological mapping technology and its applications based on the multivariate knowledge and mapping model[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2021, 40(6): 978-987.
Citation: HUANG Hui, LU Yanming, LI Yangchun, ZHANG Wenhua, ZHANG Dake, ZHAO Youzhi, LI Chao, CHEN Yuanyuan. Intelligent geological mapping technology and its applications based on the multivariate knowledge and mapping model[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2021, 40(6): 978-987.

Intelligent geological mapping technology and its applications based on the multivariate knowledge and mapping model

More Information
  • In China, 1:250 000-1:50 000 regional geological survey has accumulated a large amount of database and formed a rich geological map with corresponding scale.How to make full use of these data and maps to compile small scale geological maps, and systematically reflect the latest geological survey results, brings a severe challenge to geological cartographers.Based on the big data, the geological map models are constructed through the multi-knowledge of geology, cartography and database, which can realize the intelligent recognition of geological phenomena such as stratum, magmatic rock, geological structure and their complex relations by computer, which can effectively replace the decision-making of geological cartographers on the synthesis and plotting of complicated geological map elements.Finally, the geological map spatial database is formed through the linkage of map elements and attributes.Focusing on knowledge extraction and map compilation model construction, this paper explores the technology of intelligent geological map compilation, and analyzes and verifies it through the 1∶500 000 intelligent geological map compilation practice in the eastern part of Qinghai Province.The mapping knowledge and model meet the requirements of intelligent geological mapping.The technology of intelligent geological mapping can greatly improve the efficiency and quality of geological map reduction from medium-large scale to small scale.

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