2021 Vol. 40, No. 6
Article Contents

LIN Yan, BAI Xiujia, YE Zeyu, ZHANG Heng. Assessment of agricultural production suitability in Nantong City based on ArcGIS technology[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2021, 40(6): 968-977.
Citation: LIN Yan, BAI Xiujia, YE Zeyu, ZHANG Heng. Assessment of agricultural production suitability in Nantong City based on ArcGIS technology[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2021, 40(6): 968-977.

Assessment of agricultural production suitability in Nantong City based on ArcGIS technology

  • Based on the regional adaptation of agricultural production, the change of crop planting structure and the industrial layout adjustment, as a result of environmental change, Nantong City was selected to build an evaluation system of agricultural production factors with accumulated temperature, annual precipitation, soil fertility, soil heavy metals and slope advantages.The results show the accumulated temperature of Nantong City is high and the interannual variation is generally increasing.The interannual variation of precipitation fluctuates greatly with a trend of firstly increasing and then decreasing over the years.There is a negative correlation between the sunshine duration and the variation of precipitation.Both total nitrogen and the available phosphorus content in soil meet the secondary requirements of soil nutrient standard, while the content of available potassium only meets the requirements of the fourth standard level.The Nemero index of heavy metals in soil is between 0.26 and 0.4, indicating that the environmental quality of soil is safe.Based on ArcGIS technology, spatial analysis and other technical methods are used to classify agricultural areas of Nantong into 4 levels.As a result, Haian is rated as the first-tier suitable area (the most suitable), municipal district of Nantong City and Rudong as the secondary one, Tongzhou and Haimen as the third one, and Qidong and Rugao are rated as the fourth one.The evaluation of agricultural production suitability in Nantong City is expected to provide a reference for layout of crop production and territorial space planning scientifically and rationally.

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