2022 Vol. 5, No. 3
Article Contents

Ya-ci Liu, Lin Wu, Guo-wei Shi, Sheng-wei Cao, Ya-song Li, 2022. Characteristics and sources of microplastic pollution in the water and sediments of the Jinjiang River Basin, Fujian Province, China, China Geology, 5, 429-438. doi: 10.31035/cg2022051
Citation: Ya-ci Liu, Lin Wu, Guo-wei Shi, Sheng-wei Cao, Ya-song Li, 2022. Characteristics and sources of microplastic pollution in the water and sediments of the Jinjiang River Basin, Fujian Province, China, China Geology, 5, 429-438. doi: 10.31035/cg2022051

Characteristics and sources of microplastic pollution in the water and sediments of the Jinjiang River Basin, Fujian Province, China

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  • Microplastic pollution is widely distributed from surface water to sediments to groundwater vertically and from land to the ocean horizontally. This study collected samples from surface water, groundwater, and sediments from upper to lower reaches and then to the estuary in 16 typical areas in the Jinjiang River Basin, Fujian Province, China. Afterward, it determined the components and abundance of the microplastics and analyzed the possible microplastic sources through principal component analysis (PCA). As a result, seven main components of microplastics were detected, i.e., polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyformaldehyde (POM), nylon 6 (PA6), and polystyrene (PS). Among them, PE and PP were found to have the highest proportion in the surface water and sediments and in the groundwater, respectively. The surface water, groundwater, and sediments had average microplastic abundance of 1.6 n/L, 2.7 n/L and 33.8 n/kg, respectively. The microplastics in the sediments had the largest particle size, while those in the groundwater had the smallest particle size. Compared with water bodies and sediments in other areas, those in the study area generally have medium-low-level microplastic abundance. Three pollution sources were determined according to PCA, i.e., the dominant agriculture-forestry-fishery source, domestic wastewater, and industrial production. This study can provide a scientific basis for the control of microplastics in rivers.

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