2021 Vol. 4, No. 1
Article Contents

Xu-xuan Ma, Li-E Gao, Zhong-bao Zhao, Xi-jie Chen, Hai-bing Li, 2021. Early Eocene leucocratic sill/dike swarms in the Gangdese belt, southern Tibet: Tectonic implications for Indo-Asian collision, China Geology, 4, 56-66. doi: 10.31035/cg2021019
Citation: Xu-xuan Ma, Li-E Gao, Zhong-bao Zhao, Xi-jie Chen, Hai-bing Li, 2021. Early Eocene leucocratic sill/dike swarms in the Gangdese belt, southern Tibet: Tectonic implications for Indo-Asian collision, China Geology, 4, 56-66. doi: 10.31035/cg2021019

Early Eocene leucocratic sill/dike swarms in the Gangdese belt, southern Tibet: Tectonic implications for Indo-Asian collision

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  • The timing of the initial Indo-Asian collision is a subject of debate for a long time. Besides, the magmatic trace of the collisional process is also unclear. In the present study, the authors report Early Eocene leucocratic sill/dike swarms in the northern edge of the Nymo intrusive complex of the Gangdese belt, southern Tibet. The Nymo intrusive complex was emplaced at ca. 50–47 Ma and surrounded by the metamorphosed Jurassic-aged Bima Formation volcano-sedimentary sequence along its northern side. At outcrops, the leucocratic sills/dikes intruded along or truncated the deformed foliations of the host Bima Formation, which has been subject to high-temperature amphibolite-facies metamorphism at ca. 50–47 Ma. Detailed cathodoluminescence image analyses reveal that the zircon grains of the leucocratic sills/dikes have core-mantle textures. The cores yield the Jurassic ages comparable to the protolith ages of the Bima Formation. In contrast, the mantles of zircon grains yield weighted mean ages of ca. 49–47 Ma, representing the crystallization timing of these leucocratic sills/dikes. The coeval ages for the Nymo intrusive complex, the high-temperature metamorphism, and the leucocratic sills/dikes indicate that a close relationship exists among them. The authors tentatively suggest that these leucocratic sills/dikes were generated from partial melting of the Jurassic-aged Bima Formation volcanic rocks, triggered by the high heat from the magma chamber of the Nymo intrusive complex. This Early Eocene tectono-thermal event of coeval magmatism, metamorphism and partial melting was most likely formed during the Indo-Asian collisional setting.

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