2020 Vol. 3, No. 4
Article Contents

Lin-yan Zhang, Li-cheng Ma, Xi-zhun Zhuo, Min Dong, Bo-wen Li, Sheng-xin Liu, Dong-sheng Sun, Di Wu, Xin-gui Zhou, 2020. Mesozoic–Cenozoic stress field magnitude in Sichuan Basin, China and its adjacent areas and the implication on shale gas reservoir: Determination by acoustic emission in rocks, China Geology, 3, 591-601. doi: 10.31035/cg2020068
Citation: Lin-yan Zhang, Li-cheng Ma, Xi-zhun Zhuo, Min Dong, Bo-wen Li, Sheng-xin Liu, Dong-sheng Sun, Di Wu, Xin-gui Zhou, 2020. Mesozoic–Cenozoic stress field magnitude in Sichuan Basin, China and its adjacent areas and the implication on shale gas reservoir: Determination by acoustic emission in rocks, China Geology, 3, 591-601. doi: 10.31035/cg2020068

Mesozoic–Cenozoic stress field magnitude in Sichuan Basin, China and its adjacent areas and the implication on shale gas reservoir: Determination by acoustic emission in rocks

More Information
  • Author Bio: zhanglinyan2015@163.com (Lin-yan Zhang)
  • Corresponding author: 250590328@qq.com (Li-Cheng Ma) 
  • The Sichuan Basin is one of the vital basins in China, boasting abundant hydrocarbon reservoirs. To clarify the intensity of the tectonic stress field of different tectonic episodes since the Mesozoic and to identify the regional dynamic background of different tectonic movements in the Sichuan Basin and its adjacent areas, the characteristics of the acoustic emission in rocks in different strata of these areas were researched in this paper. Meanwhile, the tectonic stress magnitude in these areas since the Mesozoic was restored. The laws state that the tectonic stress varied with depth was revealed, followed by the discussion of the influence of structural stress intensity on structural patterns in different tectonic episodes. These were conducted based on the paleostress measurement by acoustic emission method and the inversion principle of the stress fields in ancient periods and the present, as well as previous research achievements. The results of this paper demonstrate that the third episode of Yanshanian Movement (Yanshanian III) had the maximum activity intensity and tremendously influenced the structural pattern in the study area. The maximum horizontal principal stress of Yanshanian III varied with depth as follows: 0.0168 x + 37.001 (MPa), R2 = 0.8891. The regional structural fractures were mainly formed in Yanshanian III in Xujiahe Formation, west Sichuan Basin, of which the maximum paleoprincipal stress ranging from 85.1 MPa to 120.1 MPa. In addition, the law stating the present maximum horizontal principal stress varies with depth was determined to be 0.0159 x+10.221 (MPa), R2=0.7868 in Wuling Mountain area. Meanwhile, it was determined to be 0.0221 x+9.4733 (MPa), R2=0.9121 in the western part of Xuefeng Mountain area and 0.0174 x+10.247 (MPa), R2=0.8064 in the whole study area. These research results will not only provide data for the simulation of stress field, the evaluation of deformation degree, and the prediction of structural fractures, but also offer absolute geological scientific bases for the elevation of favorable shale gas preservation.

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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