2020 Vol. 3, No. 2
Article Contents

Zhong-hai Wu, Chun-jing Zhou, Xiao-long Huang, Gen-mo Zhao, Cheng-xuan Tan, 2020. Main active faults and seismic activity along the Yangtze River Economic Belt: Based on remote sensing geological survey, China Geology, 3, 314-338. doi: 10.31035/cg2020041
Citation: Zhong-hai Wu, Chun-jing Zhou, Xiao-long Huang, Gen-mo Zhao, Cheng-xuan Tan, 2020. Main active faults and seismic activity along the Yangtze River Economic Belt: Based on remote sensing geological survey, China Geology, 3, 314-338. doi: 10.31035/cg2020041

Main active faults and seismic activity along the Yangtze River Economic Belt: Based on remote sensing geological survey

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  • The Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) spans three terrain steps in China and features diverse topography that is characterized by significant differences in geological structure and present-day crustal deformation. Active faults and seismic activity are important geological factors for the planning and development of the YREB. In this paper, the spatial distribution and activity of 165 active faults that exist along the YREB have been compiled from previous findings, using both remote-sensing data and geological survey results. The crustal stability of seven particularly noteworthy typical active fault zones and their potential effects on the crustal stability of the urban agglomerations are analyzed. The main active fault zones in the western YREB, together with the neighboring regional active faults, make up an arc fault block region comprising primarily of Sichuan-Yunnan and a “Sichuan-Yunnan arc rotational-shear active tectonic system” strong deformation region that features rotation, shear and extensional deformation. The active faults in the central-eastern YREB, with seven NE-NNE and seven NW-NWW active faults (the “7-longitudinal, 7-horizontal” pattern), macroscopically make up a “chessboard tectonic system” medium-weak deformation region in the geomechanical tectonic system. They are also the main geological constraints for the crustal stability of the YREB.

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