Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology,
Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences
Groundwater Science and Engineering LimitedPublish
2023 Vol. 11, No. 1
Article Contents

Gao Yi-hang, Shen Jun-hui, Chen Lin, Li Xiao, Jin Shuang, Ma Zhen, Meng Qing-hua. 2023. Influence of underground space development mode on the groundwater flow field in Xiong’an new area. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 11(1): 68-80. doi: 10.26599/JGSE.2023.9280007
Citation: Gao Yi-hang, Shen Jun-hui, Chen Lin, Li Xiao, Jin Shuang, Ma Zhen, Meng Qing-hua. 2023. Influence of underground space development mode on the groundwater flow field in Xiong’an new area. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 11(1): 68-80. doi: 10.26599/JGSE.2023.9280007

Influence of underground space development mode on the groundwater flow field in Xiong’an new area

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  • The degree and scale of underground space development are growing with the continuous advancement of urbanization in China. The lack of research on the change of the groundwater flow field before and after the development of underground space has led to various problems in the process of underground space development and operation. This paper took the key development zone of the Xiong’an New Area as the study area, and used the Groundwater modeling system software (GMS) to analyse the influence on the groundwater flow field under the point, line, and surface development modes. The main results showed that the underground space development would lead to the expansion and deepening of the cone of depression in the aquifer. The groundwater level on the upstream face of the underground structure would rise, while the water level on the downstream face would drop. The “line” concurrent development has the least impact on the groundwater flow field, and the maximum rise of water level on the upstream side of the underground structure is expected to be approximately 3.05 m. The “surface” development has the greatest impact on the groundwater flow field, and the maximum rise of water level is expected to be 7.17 m.

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