2023 Vol. 43, No. 1
Article Contents

XI Wanwan, ZHAO Yuhao, NI Pei, YAO Chunyan, ZHU Yiping, ZHENG Lu, YAO Zhongyou, WANG Tiangang. 2023. Main types, characteristics, distributions, and prospecting potential of lithium deposits. Sedimentary Geology and Tethyan Geology, 43(1): 19-35. doi: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2022.04002
Citation: XI Wanwan, ZHAO Yuhao, NI Pei, YAO Chunyan, ZHU Yiping, ZHENG Lu, YAO Zhongyou, WANG Tiangang. 2023. Main types, characteristics, distributions, and prospecting potential of lithium deposits. Sedimentary Geology and Tethyan Geology, 43(1): 19-35. doi: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2022.04002

Main types, characteristics, distributions, and prospecting potential of lithium deposits

More Information
  • Lithium is an important energy metal. At present, there are six types of lithium deposits:salt lake lithium brines, lithium pegmatites, lithium-clays, lithium-zeolites, oil-gas field lithium brines or geothermal lithium brines, and ion-absorption lithium. The pegmatites lithium deposits are of episodic ages and mainly distributed in Precambrian orogenic belts such as Western Australia Craton, Congo Craton, Western Africa Craton and Canadian Shield. Except the pegmatites lithium deposits, all of other lithium deposits are mainly distributed in Cenozoic orogenic belts such as the Andean lithium triangle area, Sichuan-Tibet region of China, Cordillera of North America, accounting for about 75% of the global lithium resources. At present, salt lake lithium brines and lithium pegmatites are of great prospecting potential and are the main types of lithium deposits being explorated and. developed.
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