2025 Vol. 45, No. 2
Article Contents

XU Runzhe, YU Shiyong, ZHOU Liang, GONG Liwei, SHEN Zhixiong. Holocene extreme flood events in the Yangtze River Basin: Research progress and implications[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2025, 45(2): 158-176. doi: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2024022701
Citation: XU Runzhe, YU Shiyong, ZHOU Liang, GONG Liwei, SHEN Zhixiong. Holocene extreme flood events in the Yangtze River Basin: Research progress and implications[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2025, 45(2): 158-176. doi: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2024022701

Holocene extreme flood events in the Yangtze River Basin: Research progress and implications

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  • With global warming and the intensification of human activities, the frequency and magnitude of large river flood events are increasing in recent years. To reveal the regularity of flood occurrence and its driving mechanism is a hot issue in the study of paleoflood hydrology and global change. As one of the regions with the most severe flood disasters in China, the Yangtze River Basin has shown rapid and abnormal changes in flood activities in recent years. Short modern measurement records can no longer meet the needs of future flood disaster risk prediction, and it is urgent to reveal the relationship between flood events and climate change in the Yangtze River Basin in the past through various long-term records. By summarizing the geological and historical records of various extreme flood events, the frequent periods of extreme flood events since the Holocene were determined and compared with key regional climate proxies. However, to accurately predict the future evolution trend of flood events in the Yangtze River Basin, it is necessary to strengthen continuously the comprehensive research of various proxy records, to further explore the coupling relationship of flood occurrence mechanisms to climate changes and human activities, and to strengthen research on numerical simulation. This study provided a scientific basis and decision support for future flood disaster prevention, urban and rural planning optimization layout, and rational resource development and utilization in the Yangtze River Basin.

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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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