Zhengzhou Institute of Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological SciencesHost
2020 Vol. 40, No. 6
Article Contents

LI Shaoping, ZHANG Junmin, Dilinuer· Abudukade, WANG Yali. Research Status and Prospect of Lepidolite Flotation Collectors[J]. Conservation and Utilization of Mineral Resources, 2020, 40(6): 77-82. doi: 10.13779/j.cnki.issn1001-0076.2020.06.012
Citation: LI Shaoping, ZHANG Junmin, Dilinuer· Abudukade, WANG Yali. Research Status and Prospect of Lepidolite Flotation Collectors[J]. Conservation and Utilization of Mineral Resources, 2020, 40(6): 77-82. doi: 10.13779/j.cnki.issn1001-0076.2020.06.012

Research Status and Prospect of Lepidolite Flotation Collectors

  • With the large-scale development of lepidolite resources in China, the problem of poor fine and impurities has became more prominent. The efficient recovery of lepidolite has become a research hotspot in the field of mineral processing. This paper summarizes the main influencing factors and research status of lepidolite flotation collectors. The research on the mechanism of collectors and the development and promotion of new collectors should be increased.

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