Citation: | LI Lin, WANG Tao, DONG Ying, ZENG Lei, ZHANG Ge, ZHANG Xinshe. 2023. Multi–Factor Attribute Modeling Method Constrained by Geological Structure:A Case Study in Xixian New Area. Northwestern Geology, 56(3): 169-177. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2023091 |
The 3D geological modeling method that supports the structure–attribute integrated representation is one of the keys and difficulties in the research of 3D modeling. Existing 3D geological modeling technology is difficult to realize the integration and expression of the prior knowledge of geological structure and attribute analysis and simulation. Taking Xixian new area as an example, a unified regional geological structure framework model is established. Under the constraint of geological structure conditions, three–dimensional structure–attribute integrated expression are realized. This method not only retains geology structural modeling, but also can more reasonably show the spatial distribution and change of geological attributes inside the strata It has been applied in engineering geological investigation and urban underground space development.
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Construction process of 3D geologic modeling
Schematic diagram of gridding methods
Geomorphological map of Xixian New Area
3D geological structure and lithology model of Xixian New Area
3D geological attribute stochastic model of Xixian New Area
Profile comparison of structure and attribute model
3D Stability evaluation map for underground space development