Citation: | ZHANG Maosheng, DONG Ying, SUN Pingping, LIU Jiang, WANG Huaqi, FENG Li. 2023. Theory and Method for Urban–Rural Integration, Evaluation and Cooperative Detection of Ground and Underground Space: Example from the Urban Geological Survey of Guanzhong Plain. Northwestern Geology, 56(3): 153-168. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2023054 |
The collaborative detection and evaluation planning of ground and underground space is an important way to enhance the comprehensive carrying capacity of the city and promote the high–quality development of the city. In view of the new major scientific and technological problems such as "multi–plan integration" territorial spatial planning, coordinated and intensive utilization of ground and underground space aimed at the coordinated development of new urbanization and rural revitalization in China, taking Guanzhong plain urban agglomeration as the research area, based on the theories of the earth system science, the earth key belt, system, synergy and information, this paper puts forward the urban geological theory in the new period of urban–rural integration, coordinated detection, comprehensive evaluation and overall planning of ground and underground space; breaks through the key technologies of fine detection and modeling of underground space under the strong urban interference environment; proposes the risk prevention and control technology of ground and underground space based on groundwater; reveal the heat conduction law of geothermal fluid–exchanger in underground space, and raise the new green development technology of geothermal energy in underground space of "taking heat but not taking water". Which will provide the technique support for the urban planning, construction and operation management, land space planning, natural resource management, etc. And the theroies and the technologies have been successfully applied in many cities.
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The route map of technology
The frame map for cooperative detection, evaluation and planning theory of ground and underground space
Integrated evaluation map of ground and underground space based on negative factors
(a~d) The overall planning theory and (e~f) results map for territory space based on barrel theory, margin and risk analysis
The figure for the changof the monitoring data with the depth while drilling
The relationship figure of the origional oil pressure and time
The figure of the comprehensive detection well parameters and interpretation
The Structure of urban geological database of Guanzhong plain
Geological structure modeling map based on block of Guanzhong plain
Lithology random model and profile fence map in Xixian New Area
The porosity random model and profile fence map in Xixian New Area
The strength index random model and profile fence map in Xixian New Area
The cohesive soil compaction test instrument
The pore images of cohesive soil at different depths under different formation pressures obtained by industrial CT
The comparison of the reduction rate compression deformation between large pore and void area of cohesive soil
The distributed fiber monitoring curve of the ground subsidence
The risk sssessment map of ground fissures in Xi’an Area
(a) The depth and (b) change of groundwater table, and the related evaluation maps of (c) loess collapsibility and (d) sand liquefaction
The comparison figure of ground subsidence caused by pumping and ground rebound uplift caused by sudden shut–in
The geothermal well type and numerical simulation of heat migration of "take heat without water"
The relationship figure of r´ and f in the different value of η