Citation: | YOU Hongxi, SHI Shaoshan, WEI Minghui, QIN Tao, YANG Jialin. 2024. Analysis of Ore-forming Conditions and Prediction of Prospecting Targets in Hongqigou Area, Benxi County, Liaoning Province. Northwestern Geology, 57(4): 206-217. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2022040 |
Based on large quantities of Liaoning province red flag trench typical ore deposit mineralization related to regional mineralization properties of rock mass and structure, metallogenic conditions, such as comparative analysis of surrounding rock, in that study hydrothermal quartz vein type gold (copper) ore deposit, skarn type, porphyry copper gold molybdenum polymetallic deposit, related to the rock copper gold cobalt nickel metal deposit prospecting potential. Gold, copper, molybdenum and other prospecting targets in the study area are predicted by the statistical method of assigning the information of favorable metallogenic conditions.
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(a) Structural location map and (b) regional geological map of the study area
(a) Diagram of Na2O-K2O and (b) diagram of Rb/Sr-SiO2 discrimination of metallogenic specificity
(a) Prediction map of quartz vein type gold deposit, (b) skarn type copper-gold deposit and (c) porphyry type copper-molybdenum-gold deposit
Geological map of predicted target area distribution