Citation: | JIANG Hanbing, YANG Hequn, ZHAO Guobin, WANG Yonghe, WEN Zhiliang, TAN Wenjuan, LI Zonghui, GU Pingyang, LI Jianqiang, GUO Peihong, DONG Zengchan, REN Huaning. 2024. Ore-Controlling Features and Related Mineralization Functiones of the Paleozoic in West Qinling. Northwestern Geology, 57(4): 218-228. doi: 10.12401/j.nwg.2023192 |
The lower Paleozoic ore-bearing strata in the western Qinling metallogenic belt are mainly distributed in the southern belt, predominantly consisting of the Silurian system and followed by the Cambrian system; The upper Paleozoic ore-bearing strata are distributed in both the southern and northern belts, primarily composed of the Devonian system, followed by the Carboniferous-Permian system. Among them, the Cambrian system mainly occurs gold deposits (associated copper, uranium, molybdenum, antimony, selenium, etc.) related to epigenetic hypabyssal medium-low temperature hydrothermal function. The Silurian system occurs molybdenum, vanadium (associated with nickel and uranium), phosphorus, stone coal, manganese and limestone minerals related to syngenetic sedimentation function, epigenetic hypabyssal medium-low temperature hydrothermal function in the formation of gold, silver, antimony, mercury and uranium (associated copper, molybdenum, nickel, vanadium), the local has limonite and uranium deposits related to supergene weathering leaching function. The Devonian system in the southern belt occurs coal, dolomite, gypsum, iron, and phosphate deposits related to syngenetic sedimentation function, epigenetic hypabyssal medium-low temperature hydrothermal function in the formation of iron, gold, mercury, and pyrite, the local has limonite related to supergene weathering leaching function. The Devonian system in the northern belt occurs lead-zinc and copper deposits related to Jet sedimentation-transformation function, epigenetic hypabyssal medium-low temperature hydrothermal function in the formation of iron, copper, gold, antimony, and mercury deposits, the local has cerussite and smithsonite related to supergene weathering function. The Carboniferous-Permian system in the southern belt occurs limestone and dolomite deposits related to sedimentation function, epigenetic hypabyssal medium-low temperature hydrothermal function in the formation of gold and mercury deposits. The Carboniferous-Permian system in the northern belt occurs lead-zinc deposits related to volcanic sedimentary-transform function, epigenetic hypabyssal medium-low temperature hydrothermal function in the formation of gold and antimony deposits. Additionally, in the transitional belt from the west Qinling to the east Kunlun, the Carboniferous-Permian system occurs copper and tin deposits related to volcanic sedimentation- transform function. In summary, the ore control by strata in the area can be classified into two categories: ①ore-bearing deposits (syngenetic and quasi-syngenetic relationship), the ore body is an integral part of a stratum, where the mineralization occurred during the same period as the formation of the ore-bearing strata (Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian). ②ore-hosting deposits (epigenetic and supergene weathering relationship), the ore body is not part of the formation, where the mineralization occurred significantly later than the formation of the ore-hosting strata, epigenetic medium-low temperature hydrothermal function primarily occurred during the Mesozoic era, while weathering function mainly occurred during the Cenozoic era. Sedimentary-transformation type ore deposits can be considered as the overlapping of these two types of ore controls. The identification of whether the ore-hosting strata act as ore source layer depends on specific geological circumstances and requires further analysis.
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