2021 Vol. 27, No. 6
Article Contents

SONG Chunhua, SHI Gang, WU Hong, ZHANG Hao, YU Fei. 2021. Application of seismic detection by spark source for concealed faults in Shanghai urban water network area. Journal of Geomechanics, 27(6): 938-948. doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.06.076
Citation: SONG Chunhua, SHI Gang, WU Hong, ZHANG Hao, YU Fei. 2021. Application of seismic detection by spark source for concealed faults in Shanghai urban water network area. Journal of Geomechanics, 27(6): 938-948. doi: 10.12090/j.issn.1006-6616.2021.27.06.076

Application of seismic detection by spark source for concealed faults in Shanghai urban water network area

    Fund Project: This research is financially supported by the Key Financial Project of Shanghai(Grant No.20-45064)
More Information
  • Nowadays artificial seismic exploration is recognized as one of the most effective means to detect hidden faults in urban areas. However, good seismic exploration data in highly urbanized areas is often unavailable limited by the excitation source and strong interference. In this paper, a seismic detection of excitation mode of high-power spark source was carried out in the Dazhi River area, in view of the developed urban water network in Shanghai. We did comparison tests on elements such as energy excitation of spark source, water depth of discharge and seismic imaging effects of different sources, and obtained the best excitation parameters for seismic exploration in inland river areas (east section of Dazhi River) in Shanghai. The validity of seismic exploration by spark source in urban water network is confirmed. Compared with other conventional excitation methods, EDM seismic exploration data has higher signal-to-noise ratio and can reach a deeper exploration depth, which helps to get good results from the detection of hidden faults in urban areas.

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