2024 Vol. 51, No. 1
Article Contents

GE Mingna, BAO Shujing, SHI Dishi, MA Yong, ZHANG Jinchuan, ZHANG Qin, ZHANG Liqin, LIN Yanhua, WANG Ting. 2024. Multi−scale characterization of shale pore structure of Niutitang Formation in southeastern Guizhou and its influence on shale gas enrichment[J]. Geology in China, 51(1): 57-72. doi: 10.12029/gc20210923001
Citation: GE Mingna, BAO Shujing, SHI Dishi, MA Yong, ZHANG Jinchuan, ZHANG Qin, ZHANG Liqin, LIN Yanhua, WANG Ting. 2024. Multi−scale characterization of shale pore structure of Niutitang Formation in southeastern Guizhou and its influence on shale gas enrichment[J]. Geology in China, 51(1): 57-72. doi: 10.12029/gc20210923001

Multi−scale characterization of shale pore structure of Niutitang Formation in southeastern Guizhou and its influence on shale gas enrichment

    Fund Project: Supported by National Science and Technology Major Project "Shale gas resource evaluation methods and exploration techniques" (No. 2016ZX05034), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 42130803) and the project of China Geological Survey (No. DD20230257).
More Information
  • Author Bio: GE Mingna, female, born in 1988, master, senior engineer, mainly engaged in the unconventional oil and gas geological study; E-mail: 610144368@qq.com
  • Corresponding author: BAO Shujing, male, born in 1964, master, professor of engineering, mainly engaged in oil and gas geology; E-mail: 415530248@qq.com
  • This paper is the result of oil and gas exploration engineering.


    It is necessary to study the pore structure characteristics of Niutitang Formation shale in Southeast Guizhou and its influence on shale gas enrichment, avoid unfavorable factors, and provide suggestions for shale gas exploration in Southeast Guizhou.


    Multi−scale characterization of the shale micro−nano pore structure is carried out by means of focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB−SEM), FE−SEM, and nitrogen adsorption. Combined with the hydrocarbon generation and burial history of the Niutitang Formation shale in the study area, the relationship between tectonic movement and pore structure is studied, and its control effect on shale gas enrichment is analyzed.


    The Niutitang Formation shale mainly develops millimeter−scale micro−cracks, micron−scale pyrite intercrystalline pores and nano−scale organic pores, mainly ink bottle−shaped pores and slit pores with a flat plate structure, and the pore structure is complex. Combined with the results of FIB−SEM three−dimensional reconstruction, organic matter accounts for a relatively high proportion of shale, with a porosity of 0.04%−2.48% and a contribution rate of 14%−96% to the total porosity. The pyrite crystals co−existing with organic matter Pores are the main type of pores that communicate fractures, the shale gas in this area is dominated by undersaturated adsorbed gas, and the free gas content is low.


    A large number of structural fractures in the Niutitang Formation shale have connected organic matter pores and pyrite intercrystalline pores, and changed the original pore structure, causing the in−situ accumulated shale gas to escape along the fractures, which is a key factor in the low gas content of the shale of the Niutitang Formation. Finding areas with moderate thermal evolution and well−preserved structures is a favorable direction for shale gas exploration on the periphery of paleo−uplifts.

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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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