2023 Vol. 50, No. 1
Article Contents

LIU Jinlong, LI Zhumin, ZHOU Yongheng, WANG Li, WANG Guan, JIANG Ping, CHEN Liangxi, DONG Cunjie. 2023. Distribution, geology and development status of nickel deposits[J]. Geology in China, 50(1): 118-132. doi: 10.12029/gc20210225002
Citation: LIU Jinlong, LI Zhumin, ZHOU Yongheng, WANG Li, WANG Guan, JIANG Ping, CHEN Liangxi, DONG Cunjie. 2023. Distribution, geology and development status of nickel deposits[J]. Geology in China, 50(1): 118-132. doi: 10.12029/gc20210225002

Distribution, geology and development status of nickel deposits

    Fund Project: Supported by the projects of China Geological Survey (No.DD20201163, No.DD20190438)
More Information
  • Author Bio: LIU Jinlong, male, born in 1988, Ph.D., senior engineer, mainly engaged in regional geological mineral survey and research; E-mail: liujinlong0815@yeah.net
  • Corresponding author: LI Zhumin, male, born in 1983, senior engineer, mainly engaged in Northeast Asian regional geological mineral survey and research; E-mail: 45569520@qq.com 
  • This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering.


    In the context of the global energy transition, the demand for nickel is growing rapidly and the price continues to rise. Finding more nickel metal resources to satisfy economic development is an important task of the current geological community.


    The study summarized the genetic type, metallogenic age, metallogenic characteristics and geological background of nickel deposits, sorted out the global nickel reserves and mine production, and estimated the supply current situation and consumption trend of nickel metal, with the aim to provide background knowledge (information) for the search of new nickel deposits.


    The economically significant nickel deposits in the world include magmatic and weathered crust types. The magmatic type nickel deposit is mainly distributed in Canada, Australia, Russia and China, and the weathered crust type nickel deposit is mainly distributed in Indonesia, New Caledonia, Brazil and Philippines.


    In order to alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand of nickel resources, we should achieve in the allocation of global nickel resources, strengthen the effective supply, increase exploration efforts, improve resource utilization efficiency, and build a recycling system.

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