Citation: | HU Wangshui, LI Xiyuan, TANG Yong, LI Tao, LEI Zhongying. 2024. Mantle convection inversion: Perspective and hypothesis of global inversion tectonics[J]. Geology in China, 51(2): 483-498. doi: 10.12029/gc20200605004 |
This paper is the result of geological survey engineering.
Inversion tectonics occurred at a specific period in the evolution of worldwide hydrocarbon basins throughout the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras. It involved the modification and superimposition of early rift basins to induce inversion. With a focus on regional or localized mantle convection inversion, this study attempts to explain the factors that contribute to inversion tectonics in the Earth's crust.
Based on geophysical data, with the help of tectonic geology and geophysical research methods, summarize and compare the tectonic inversion events and characteristics of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic basins in the late Cretaceous and Paleogene periods worldwide, study the positive tectonic inversion time of oceanic and continental intraplate rift basins, and establish a mantle convection inversion model for the development of inversion structures. The time of negative tectonic inversion events in adjacent continental plate orogenic belts is synchronous, Study the correlation between basin mountain coupling and local mantle convection units and their variations.
A large amount of evidence indicates that the time of positive tectonic inversion in continental rift basins is synchronous with the time of negative tectonic inversion events in the adjacent continental plate orogenic belts. For example, the compression and extensional collapse of the Dabie orogenic belt are correspondingly correlated with the extensional rift and contraction inversion of the South Huabei Basin and Hefei Basin, respectively. Although the current evidence may not be exhaustive, the positive and negative inversion tectonics in the rift valleys (mid−ocean ridges) of oceanic plates and the negative inversion tectonics within subduction zones demonstrate a contemporaneous relationship. Irrespective of their origin in rift basins or interplate active zones, inversion tectonics constitute a developmental and evolutionary transition of the tectonic units they represent. Although there is some acceptance regarding the development of these inversion tectonics, the underlying mechanisms that cause their formation in various tectonic units continue to be unclear. Whether it is the reverse structures generated by the reverse tectonic events in the inter plate active zone or the reverse structures generated by the reverse tectonic actions in the intra plate rift basin, all indicate that the tectonic evolution of these structural units has entered a new stage of development and evolution.
By capitalizing on the correlation between extensively dispersed inversion tectonics across the exterior of the Earth and preceding tectonic features, we propose that inverse flow in mantle convection underlies the dynamic mechanism that triggers the formation of inversion tectonics. In this study, we lay out a model that explains the inverse contraction movements in the lithosphere or crust that occur as a result of mantle convection inversion and the mechanisms that initiate these movements in inversion tectonics. The theory in consideration holds immense importance due to its capability to greatly influence the comprehension and investigation of mantle convection states, dynamics, and their variations. Consequently, this could have a profound effect on the pursuit of mechanisms that cause inverse plate movements.
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Seismic interpretation profile of the Songliao Basin
Seismic interpretation profile of basin inversion of the South Baltic Sea at the end of Cretaceous (after Buchanan and Ruchanan, 1995)
Seismic interpretation profile of the inversion tectonics in the Bongor Basin, central Africa at the end of Cretaceous
Oil−gas basins in the Atlantic and associated continents undergoing tectonic inversion at the end of Early Cretaceous
Reversed tectonic seismic profile (a) and interpreted profile (b) of San Jorge Basin in Western Argentina at the end of Cretaceous (after Buchanan and Ruchanan, 1995)
Mantle convection inversion model in oceanic and subduction zones
Inversion tectonic seismic interpretation profile at the end of Miocene in the East China Sea basin (after Buchanan and Ruchanan, 1995)
Inversion structures developed at the end of Miocene of the Noto Peninsula tectonic belt in the Sea of Japan (after Horne et al., 2017)
Lithospheric shrinkage model of inversion of rifting basin caused by inversion of continental mantle convection
Tectonic inversion systems of the Dabei orogenic belt in Qinling Mountains and the Meso−Cenozoic and Cenozoic basins in the South and North China basins
Inversion model of mantle convection