2019 Vol. 52, No. 4
Article Contents

JIN Moushun, GAO Yongbao, LI Kan, SONG Zhongbao, YAN Zhouquan. 2019. Remote Sensing Prospecting Method for Pegmatite Type Rare Metal Deposit——Taking Dahongliutan Area in Western Kunlun for Example. Northwestern Geology, 52(4): 222-231.
Citation: JIN Moushun, GAO Yongbao, LI Kan, SONG Zhongbao, YAN Zhouquan. 2019. Remote Sensing Prospecting Method for Pegmatite Type Rare Metal Deposit——Taking Dahongliutan Area in Western Kunlun for Example. Northwestern Geology, 52(4): 222-231.

Remote Sensing Prospecting Method for Pegmatite Type Rare Metal Deposit——Taking Dahongliutan Area in Western Kunlun for Example

  • Rare metal mines, like lithium, rubidium, and cesium, are important emerging strategic mineral resources in China. The Dahongliutan area of West Kunlun shows great potential for prospecting these mines. However, because of its high altitude and deep cutting, the surface geological survey is extremely difficult and seldom done. In this study, the geological mineral data for this area have been analyzed to determine the location of the ore-bearing layer. The diacritic veins have been identified by using Worldview-2 remote sensing images. Through using the principal component transform method, the remote sensing anomalies related to pegmatite lithium mineralization have been extracted from ASTER remote sensing images. And then, the prospecting targets have been determined by combing with the geochemical anomalies of rare metals, which can provide a support for rapid discovery of pegmatite lithium mineral resources. By using this prospecting method, many large lithium-beryllium mines in Western Kunlun have been discoverd, such as 505·07\south fulugou 1#\south fulugou 2#, with the preliminary estimated Li2O resource of over 1 million tons. This method is a breakthrough for rapidly prospecting the pegmatite rare metals deposits in deep cutting, high altitude and cold regions areas, and its availability has been appraised in this paper, which provides important technical support for pegmatite mineral in West Kunlun and has important significance for the next prospecting in peripheral area.
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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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