2019 Vol. 52, No. 4
Article Contents

LI Kan, GAO Yongbao, TENG Jiaxin, JIN Moushun, LI Wei. 2019. Metallogenic Geological Characteristics, Mineralization Age and Resource Potential of the Granite-Pegmatite-Type Rare Metal Deposits in Dahongliutan Area, Hetian County, Xinjiang. Northwestern Geology, 52(4): 206-221.
Citation: LI Kan, GAO Yongbao, TENG Jiaxin, JIN Moushun, LI Wei. 2019. Metallogenic Geological Characteristics, Mineralization Age and Resource Potential of the Granite-Pegmatite-Type Rare Metal Deposits in Dahongliutan Area, Hetian County, Xinjiang. Northwestern Geology, 52(4): 206-221.

Metallogenic Geological Characteristics, Mineralization Age and Resource Potential of the Granite-Pegmatite-Type Rare Metal Deposits in Dahongliutan Area, Hetian County, Xinjiang

  • The Dahongliutan is the most concentrated distribution of granite pegmatite and the best metallogenic potential of rare metals in the Pamir-Kunlun pegmatite area. In recent years, a series of ore-prospecting breakthroughs of pegmatite-type rare metals deposits have been made in this area, which has attracted the scholars' extensive attention. Based on the newly discovered four lithium deposits, the geological characteristics of these deposits has been studied, the regional zoning characteristics of pegmatite has been analyzed, and the ore-controlling conditions and prospecting criteria of these deposits have been summarized in this paper. By using cassiterite LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb dating method, the 206Pb/207Pb-238U/207Pb isochron age and 207Pb/206Pb-238U/206Pb Tera-Wasserburg concordia age of ore-bearing pegmatite have been obtained, they are (223+11)Ma (N=44, MSWD=2.1) and (223.5+7.9)Ma (N=44, MSWD=6.7), respectively, indicating that the pegmatite was formed in the Late Triassic. These ages are basically consistent with the formation age of regional granite. Thus, it is considered that the lithium deposits in Dahongliutan area are similar to the lithiun deposits in Jiajika ore field of West Sichuan in terms of metallogenic geological background, metallogenic epoch and metallogenic geological characteristics, and that the periphery and deep part of Dahongliutan area has tremendous prospecting potential.
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