2019 Vol. 52, No. 4
Article Contents

ZHANG Qiang, FENG Changrong, XIE Yueqiao, WANG Haijun, HAO Yanhai. 2019. Geochemical Characteristics and Genetic Study of Mokaer Magnetite Deposits in the Taxkorgan Area, Xinjiang. Northwestern Geology, 52(4): 137-151.
Citation: ZHANG Qiang, FENG Changrong, XIE Yueqiao, WANG Haijun, HAO Yanhai. 2019. Geochemical Characteristics and Genetic Study of Mokaer Magnetite Deposits in the Taxkorgan Area, Xinjiang. Northwestern Geology, 52(4): 137-151.

Geochemical Characteristics and Genetic Study of Mokaer Magnetite Deposits in the Taxkorgan Area, Xinjiang

  • Mokaer magnetite deposit is located in Maeryang Township, Taxkorgan County, Xinjiang. Thereare11 magnetite belts(940~3 800m long and 2~150m thick) and 4 magnetite mineralization belts(150~240m long and 2~12m thick) have been found in the deposit. The ore bodies occur in the Proterozoic Bulunkuole Group, and the ore bodies are in gradual contact with the surrounding rocks. The ore bodies are mostly controlled by plagioclase amphibolite, biotite plagioclase gneiss and biotite quartz schist. The rare earth elements in ores in this deposit are generally of right-leaning type and enriched with light rare earth elements, with weak positive Ce anomalies, enriched with U, La, Pb, Pr, Sm, Nd, and depleted with Ta, Sr, Ti, Zr and Hf. The Fecontent of magnetite is 99.08% to 99.64%, with an average of 99.35%. Geochemical characteristics of wall rocks, ores and magnetite show that the deposit has the characteristics of sedimentary metamorphic iron ores, and that the deposit has been subjected to later hydrothermal reformation and mixed with a considerable proportion of terrigenous clastic materials.
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