Citation: | GU Pingyang, ZHA Xianfeng, CHEN Ruiming, DONG Zengchan, ZHUANG Yujun, ZHA Fangyong, HU Chaobin, LI Peiqing. Zircon U-Pb ages, geochemistry and geologi-cal significance of gneissic granodiorite in northern Lenghu, Qinghai Province[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2017, 36(9): 1542-1552. |
The gneissic granodiorite in northern Lenghu of Qinghai Province is characterized by low SiO2 and MgO, and high Al2O3, Na2O and CaO, with alumina saturation index A/CNK of 0.92~0.797. These features suggest that this gneissic granodiorite belongs to the high-K calci-alkaline peraluminous rocks and metaluminous rocks. The chondrite-normalized REE values show right-in-clined patterns with slightly negative Eu anomaly. The primitive mantle normalized trace element spidergrams are characterized by en-riched LILE(such as Rb, Th and U) and depleted HFSE(such as Nb, Ta and Zr), which is comparable with the characteristics of oro-genic magmatic rocks, suggesting a volcanic arc tectonic setting associated with subduction. Moreover, the gneissic granodiorite is characterized by rich Na2O and A12O3, high Sr, Sr/Yb and LREE, and inconspicuous differentiation of HREE. These features imply that the rocks in northern Lenghu of Qinghai were probably formed by the melting of basaltic rocks with amphibole as a residua phase. With the U-Pb isotopic age of 470.2±1.2Ma(n=19, MSWD=0.68) of granodiorite, the authors believe that north Al-tun oceanic crust subducted toward Oulongbuluke block in Early Ordovician.
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Sketch map of tectonic location (a) and geological map (b) of the study area
Typical field photograph (a) and photomicrograph (b) of granodiorite in northern Lenghu, Qinghai Province
Representative zircon CL images, ages of gneissic granodiorite in northern Lenghu, Qinghai Province
LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb concordia diagram (a) and 206Pb/238U age (b) of gneissic granodiorite in northern Lenghu, Qinghai Province
SiO2-K2O diagram for gneissic granodiorite in northern Lenghu, Qinghai Province
A/CNK-A/NK diagram for gneissic granodiorite in northern Lenghu, Qinghai Province
Chondrite-normalized REE pattern(s a)and primitive-mantle normalized spidergram(b)for gneissic granodiorite in northern Lenghu, Qinghai Province
Diagram of Na2O+K2O+FeO+Mg+TiO2-(Na2O+K2O)/(FeO+MgO+TiO2)for gneissic granodiorite in northern Lenghu, Qinghai Province
Diagram of Rb/Sr -Rb/Ba for gneissic gneissic granodiorite in northern Lenghu, Qinghai Province
Diagram of R1-R2 for gneissic granodiorite in northern Lenghu, Qinghai Province
Diagram of (Y+Nb)-Rb for gneissic granodiorite in northern Lenghu, Qinghai Province