2017 Vol. 36, No. 9
Article Contents

LIU Xiaohuang, SUN Xingli, MAO Jingwen, GUAN Hongjun, QI Ran, LI Baofei, LIU Jiufen, YANG Weilong, ZHAO Bingxin. Military geology and its role in modern war[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2017, 36(9): 1656-1664.
Citation: LIU Xiaohuang, SUN Xingli, MAO Jingwen, GUAN Hongjun, QI Ran, LI Baofei, LIU Jiufen, YANG Weilong, ZHAO Bingxin. Military geology and its role in modern war[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2017, 36(9): 1656-1664.

Military geology and its role in modern war

  • Military geology and related knowledge have been playing an important role in military affairs and have created lots of mir-acles. The modern information war has the deep-land, deep-sea and deep-air characteristics. The demand of environment utiliza-tion and estimation of wars, the choice and scheduling of targets, and the estimation of the war's influence on living environment be-come more and more important. The solving of these problems needs knowledge intimately related to geology. In this paper, the au-thors carded the application of the knowledge related to geology to military affairs and, in combination with the characteristics and de-mand of modern war, systematically defined the definition, content and direction of military geology, investigated the connection and difference of different disciplines in military affairs and, on such a basis, put forward the three forms of civilians-military integration:civilians for military affairs, military affairs for civilians and dual-use technology, thus providing thoughts for the fundamental civil-ians-military geology integration and military geological research.

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