2017 Vol. 36, No. 9
Article Contents

ZHAO Zhen, LU Lu, WU Zhenhan, HU Daogong. Cenozoic uplift process in Gangdise, Tibet:Evidence from thermal history modeling of apa-tite fission track[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2017, 36(9): 1553-1561.
Citation: ZHAO Zhen, LU Lu, WU Zhenhan, HU Daogong. Cenozoic uplift process in Gangdise, Tibet:Evidence from thermal history modeling of apa-tite fission track[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2017, 36(9): 1553-1561.

Cenozoic uplift process in Gangdise, Tibet:Evidence from thermal history modeling of apa-tite fission track

More Information
  • The apatite fission track age obtained from the intermediate-acid intrusive rocks on the southern margin of the Gangdise is 37~25Ma. Thermal history modeling process shows that the Gangdise belt has experienced three stages of uplift evolution. The First stage (40~26Ma) was a rapid cooling uplifting stage, which was controlled by the India-Eurasia complete collision, and the Gangdise was raised to the elevation height in 37~26Ma. The second stage (26~8Ma) was an erosion stage, affected by the pedimentation and large thrust system activation, with the existence of alternate erosion and uplift process in this area. The third stage (8~0Ma) was a low cooling stage, during which activation of the NS-striking normal fault systems and rifts led to the formation of basin-mountain system and differential uplifting. In addition, there existed no obvious difference between the north and the south and between the west and the east of Gangdise, with all of these places having similar uplift processes and histories. Thermal history modeling process of apatite fission track age shows that the Gangdise belt has experienced a whole, uniform and phase uplifting.

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