Citation: | PENG Sanguo, HU Junliang, LIU Jinsong, ZHU Jiang, GONG Yinjie. Rb-Sr isochron age of the Heilongtan Au-deposit in Suizhou, Hubei Province, and its geological significance[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2017, 36(5): 867-874. |
The age of the Heilongtan gold deposit in northern Hubei Province was determined by the Rb-Sr isochron method.Six samples of quartz-hosted fluid inclusions yielded a Rb-Sr isochron age of 132.6±2.7Ma, suggesting that the Heilongtan gold deposit was formed in the Late Cretaceous.The (87Sr/86Sr) i initial ratio of the isochron is 0.710798, which is lower than that of the terrige-nous silicates (0.720) but higher than that of the mantle (0.707), implying that ore-forming materials were derived from a mixture of crust and mantle components.Combined with the reported S and Pb isotopes, the authors hold that the ore-forming process of the Heilongtan gold deposit was probably related to the Late Mesozoic magmatism in an extensional setting.The magmatism might have provided sufficient heat energy, fluid, sulfur and gold for the mineralization of the Heilongtan gold deposit.
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Simplified tectonic map of the Qinling orogenic belt (a) and simplified geological map of northern Shuizhou area (b)
Photos of quartz samples from the Heilongtan gold deposit
Characteristics of fluid inclusions in quartz
Histogram of homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions in quartz
Relationship between salinity and homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions in quartz
Rb-Sr isochron diagram of the quartz from the Heilongtan gold deposit