2021 Vol. 40, No. 2-3
Article Contents

LIANG Jie, XU Ming, CHEN Jianwen, ZHANG Yinguo, WANG Jianqiang, LEI Baohua, YUAN Yong, WU Shuyu, LI Huijun. The response of the Indosinian Movement to the South Yellow Sea basin and its influence on the hydrocarbon geological conditions[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2021, 40(2-3): 252-259.
Citation: LIANG Jie, XU Ming, CHEN Jianwen, ZHANG Yinguo, WANG Jianqiang, LEI Baohua, YUAN Yong, WU Shuyu, LI Huijun. The response of the Indosinian Movement to the South Yellow Sea basin and its influence on the hydrocarbon geological conditions[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2021, 40(2-3): 252-259.

The response of the Indosinian Movement to the South Yellow Sea basin and its influence on the hydrocarbon geological conditions

More Information
  • The South Yellow Sea basin is located at the eastern margin of Yangtze Platform and dominated the Lower Block, whose tectonic evolution can be correlated with Middle-Upper Yangtze region.The South Yellow Sea basin had suffered several tectonic evolution phases since Sinian, of which the Indosinian Movement had played a key role in basin formation and modification.However, the tectonic response of the Indosinian Movement to different parts of the basin and its petroleum geological significance are not clear.Based on the research results of the South Yellow Sea Basin for many years, combined with new regional seismic and drilling data, it is concluded that the Indosinian Movement had different tectonic manifestations in different regions of the South Yellow Sea Basin.The Laoshan uplift in the middle of the basin was the least affected, and the subsequent tension inversion was also relatively weak.While, the Yantai depression in the north was the most strongly affected by the Indosinian Movement, followed by the Qingdao depression in the south.As to geological conditions of hydrocarbon mineralization, it had different effects on the sub-reservoirs of different periods.Which had modified the oil and gas reservoir in the Lower Paleozoic and finalized ones in the Upper Paleozoic.The fault system has also positive significance for the drainage of deep hydrocarbon and the development of reservoir fissure.

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