Citation: | WU Xiuping, ZHANG Tao, SONG Shanshan, WANG Jinping, NIU Yibo. Development trend of international marine geology research[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2021, 40(2-3): 233-242. |
According to the international important strategic planning, operations and published scientific papers in the field of marine geology, based on reading strategy planning and the method of literature metrology analysis of marine geology development, combined with the study results, the layout and research enlightenment of marine geology in China are obtained to understand the international overall status and the research hot issue in the research of marine geology.The analysis results show that the number of scientific papers published in the field of marine geology has maintained a fluctuating growth trend since the 1990s, and the marine developed countries such as the United States, France and the United Kingdom keep a powerful researching level.In recent years, the marine geology research exhibits obvious interdisciplinary characteristics.The mid-ocean ridge, submarine sediment and mineral geochemistry are the core of the marine geology research.Much attention has been paid to deep sea mining, plate subduction process and tsunami triggered by an earthquake.The interdisciplinary research of seafloor hydrothermal fluid and mining-related environment and biodiversity becomes the emerging trend in the field of deep-sea geology.
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Output scale of marine geology research
Distribution map of the number of papers published in the field of marine geology from the world's major countries
Changes of papers issued by major countries from 2015 to 2019
Ratio of uncited papers to cited papers ≥100 in major countries
Global cooperation among major countries in the field of marine geology
Top 10 circulation journals in the field of marine geology
Co-occurrence of key words in the field of marine geology
Evolution of hot issues in marine geology in recent 3 years (2017—2019)