2021 Vol. 37, No. 2
Article Contents

DONG Zhong-Dou|CAI Yi-Tao|CAO Zheng-Qi|ZHANG Jie|XIANG Hua|KANG Cong-Xuan. 2021. Characteristics of Indicator Minerals of the Shantou Diamond Placer Deposit in Sixian County, Anhui Province. South China Geology, 37(2): 151-163. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2097-0013.2021.02.003
Citation: DONG Zhong-Dou|CAI Yi-Tao|CAO Zheng-Qi|ZHANG Jie|XIANG Hua|KANG Cong-Xuan. 2021. Characteristics of Indicator Minerals of the Shantou Diamond Placer Deposit in Sixian County, Anhui Province. South China Geology, 37(2): 151-163. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2097-0013.2021.02.003

Characteristics of Indicator Minerals of the Shantou Diamond Placer Deposit in Sixian County, Anhui Province

  • The origin of diamonds from the Shantou diamond placer in Sixian County, Anhui Province, has been controversial. After the discovery of alkaline-basic-rock-type diamond in the Lan’gan area of Suzhou, Anhui Province, some scholars believe that the Lan’gan area might be the source of the Shantou diamond placer. The electron microprobe analyses of indicator minerals (garnet and chromite) in Shantou diamond placer show that in the formula A32+ B23+(SiO43 of garnet, A is mainly occupied by Mg2+, Fe2+ and Ca2+ , while B is mainly occupied by Al3+ and a small amount of Mn3+, and the garnets are mainly almandine (ALM), followed by magnesium aluminum garnet (PYP), and belong to G3, G4 garnets of Fe-Al, Mg-Al and Ca-Al garnet series. The chromites contain more than 40 wt% Cr2O3, average 8 wt% MgO, and 0.11 ~ 2.26 wt% TiO2, and belong to the medium-chromium chromites and are the same as those found in kimberlites of Shandong and Liaoning provinces, which indicates that they did not come from the alkaline-basic-rock-type primary diamond deposit in the Lan’gan area.
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