2021 Vol. 37, No. 2
Article Contents

SHI Qi-Qi|LI Xiang|ZHANG Zong-Yan|XIE Guo-Gang|CAO Guang-Yue. 2021. Geochemical Differentiation and Genesis of Volcanic Rock Weathered Soil from the Downstream of the Nandu River on Northern Hainan Island. South China Geology, 37(2): 136-150. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2097-0013.2021.02.002
Citation: SHI Qi-Qi|LI Xiang|ZHANG Zong-Yan|XIE Guo-Gang|CAO Guang-Yue. 2021. Geochemical Differentiation and Genesis of Volcanic Rock Weathered Soil from the Downstream of the Nandu River on Northern Hainan Island. South China Geology, 37(2): 136-150. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2097-0013.2021.02.002

Geochemical Differentiation and Genesis of Volcanic Rock Weathered Soil from the Downstream of the Nandu River on Northern Hainan Island

  • The Quaternary volcanic region on northern Hainan Island is one of the most active areas of weathering in China, and is of great significance for understanding the element geochemical behavior during the basalt weathering. We analysis the major and trace element compositions of both subsoils from different periods of weathered basalts and soil samples from typical weathering profile in the downstream of the Nandu River on northern Hainan to investigate their differentiation mechanism. It is found that the major elements of volcanic weathering soils are SiO2, Al2O3 and TFe2O3 with the total content of more than 73.62%, and their MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O were strongly leached. Except for the weathered core soil samples of the Holocene Shishan Formation basalts, the other subsoil samples derived from different periods of volcanic rocks were extremely weathered, and their CIA (chemical alteration index) values are all higher than 91.0 with the average CIA value trend of CIA(Qp2d1)>CIA(Qp2d2))>CIA(Qp3d2)>CIA (Qhs) , which indicates that the older soils underwent more weathering. Besides, both the regional subsoil and soil samples from the profile of the weathering basalts share the similar REE characteristics, such as right-lean pattern of LREE enrichment and insignificant Eu anomaly, and negative correlation between ΣREE and CIA values on the profile. The significant positive Ce anomaly in both the subsoil and soil samples from the different basalt weathering profiles might be correlated with the strongly weathering and leaching under the tropical hot humid climate of northern Hainan Island.
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