2023 Vol. 6, No. 4
Article Contents

Li-juan Xie, Jian Yi, Jian-ru Shi, Zhi-shuai Kang, Shi-chao Xu, Run-fu Wang, 2023. The morphology and histology of a juvenile Sinokannemeyeria from the Middle Triassic Ermaying Formation of Shanxi, North China, China Geology, 6, 685-694. doi: 10.31035/cg2023030
Citation: Li-juan Xie, Jian Yi, Jian-ru Shi, Zhi-shuai Kang, Shi-chao Xu, Run-fu Wang, 2023. The morphology and histology of a juvenile Sinokannemeyeria from the Middle Triassic Ermaying Formation of Shanxi, North China, China Geology, 6, 685-694. doi: 10.31035/cg2023030

The morphology and histology of a juvenile Sinokannemeyeria from the Middle Triassic Ermaying Formation of Shanxi, North China

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  • Kannemeyeriiformes were dominated tetrapods in the Middle Triassic terrestrial faunae of China. Although abundant materials of Sinokannemeyeria have been collected, their postcranial morphology information is not well studied, especially the juveniles. This paper presents a description of an articulated Sinokannemeyeria skeleton from the Middle Triassic Ermaying Formation and reports the histological microstructure of its femur. This specimen represents a late-stage juvenile based on the histological information. For the first time, this specimen offers insights into the postcrania information of juvenile Sinokannemeyeria.

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