2023 Vol. 6, No. 4
Article Contents

Qiu-yao Dong, Hao-tian Wen, Pan Wang, Chao Song, Shu-ya Lai, Zhen-jing Yang, Yuan-yi Zhao, Ming-jiang Yan, 2023. Health risk assessment of heavy metals in soils and crops in a mining area (Au-Ag-Cu-trona-oil et al.) of the Nanyang Basin, Henan Province, China, China Geology, 6, 567-579. doi: 10.31035/cg2022078
Citation: Qiu-yao Dong, Hao-tian Wen, Pan Wang, Chao Song, Shu-ya Lai, Zhen-jing Yang, Yuan-yi Zhao, Ming-jiang Yan, 2023. Health risk assessment of heavy metals in soils and crops in a mining area (Au-Ag-Cu-trona-oil et al.) of the Nanyang Basin, Henan Province, China, China Geology, 6, 567-579. doi: 10.31035/cg2022078

Health risk assessment of heavy metals in soils and crops in a mining area (Au-Ag-Cu-trona-oil et al.) of the Nanyang Basin, Henan Province, China

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  • Heavy metal distribution in mining areas has always been a hot research topic due to the special environment of these areas. This study aims to explore the impact of heavy metal pollution on soils and crops in the study area, ensure the safety of local crops and the health of local residents, and provide a basis for the subsequent environmental restoration and the prevention and control of environmental pollution. Based on the analysis of the heavy metal concentrations in local soils and crops, the study investigated the spatial distribution, pollution degrees, and potential ecological risks of heavy metals in the farmland of a mining area in the southeastern Nanyang Basin, Henan province, China explored the sources of heavy metals and assessed the health risks caused by crop intake. The results of this study are as follows. The root soils of crops in the study area suffered heavy metal pollution to varying degrees. The degree of heavy metal pollution in maize fields is higher than that in wheat fields, and both types of fields suffer the most severe Cd pollution. Moreover, the root soils of different crops suffer compound pollution. The root soils in the maize fields suffer severe compound pollution at some sampling positions, whose distribution is similar to that of the mining area. Cd poses the highest potential ecological risks among all heavy metals, and the study area mainly suffers low and moderate comprehensive potential ecological risks. The principal component analysis (PCA) shows that the distribution of Zn, Cd, Pb, and As in soils of the study area is mainly affected by anthropogenic factors such as local mining activities; the distribution of Cr and Ni is primarily controlled by the local geological background; the distribution of Hg is mainly affected by local vehicle exhaust emissions, and the distribution of Cu is influenced by both human activities and the geological background. Different cereal crops in the study area are polluted with heavy metals dominated by Cd and Ni to varying degrees, especially wheat. As indicated by the health risk assessment results, the intake of maize in the study area does not pose significant human health risks; however, Cu has high risks to human health, and the compound heavy metal pollution caused by the intake of wheat in the study area poses risks to the health of both adults and children. Overall, the soils and crops in the study area suffer a high degree of heavy metal pollution, for which mining activities may be the main reason.

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通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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