2022 Vol. 5, No. 2
Article Contents

Bo Li, Bei-bei Kou, Bin Li, Jing Li, Jing Zeng, Qing-lei Niu, Yu-tao Shao, Ke-wei Zhang, Hao-yu Yu, Ying-sheng Wang, 2022. Application of wellhead suction anchor technology in the second production test of natural gas hydrates in the South China Sea, China Geology, 5, 293-299. doi: 10.31035/cg2022027
Citation: Bo Li, Bei-bei Kou, Bin Li, Jing Li, Jing Zeng, Qing-lei Niu, Yu-tao Shao, Ke-wei Zhang, Hao-yu Yu, Ying-sheng Wang, 2022. Application of wellhead suction anchor technology in the second production test of natural gas hydrates in the South China Sea, China Geology, 5, 293-299. doi: 10.31035/cg2022027

Application of wellhead suction anchor technology in the second production test of natural gas hydrates in the South China Sea

More Information
  • Author Bio: lb408836@163.com (Bo Li)
  • Corresponding author: koubb0303@163.com (Bei-bei Kou) 
  • Traditional suction anchor technology is mainly used in the fields of subsea structure bearing foundations, single-point mooring systems and offshore wind power. It is characterized by providing sufficient lateral and vertical bearing capacities and lateral bending moment. The anchor structure of a traditional suction anchor structure is improved with wellhead suction anchor technology, where a central pipe is added as a channel for drilling and completion operations. To solve the technical problems of a low wellhead bearing capacity, shallow built-up depth, and limited application of conductor jetting in the second production test of natural gas hydrates (NGHs) in the South China Sea (SCS), the China Geological Survey (CGS) took the lead in independently designing and manufacturing a wellhead suction anchor, which fulfilled the requirements of the production test. This novel anchor was successfully implemented in the second production test for the first time, providing a stable wellhead foundation for the success of the second production test of NGHs in the SCS.

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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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