Citation: | Younes Jalilian, Mohammad Hossein Saberi, 2021. Determination of hydrocarbon generation potential of a non-isothermal pyrolysis of Faraghun and Sarchahan Formations in Coastal Fars and the Persian Gulf, Iran, China Geology, 4, 644-657. doi: 10.31035/cg2021035 |
Source rock assessment is a key step in any petroleum exploration activity. The results of Rock-Eval analysis showed that Sarchahan Formation was in the late oil window, while the Faraghun and Zakeen Formations were just in the early stages of the oil window. Furthermore, Sarchahan, Zakeen and Faraghun Formations exhibited different kerogen types (types-Ⅱ, types-Ⅲ and type-Ⅲ, respectively). Refining the kinetic parameters using the OPTKIN software, the error function returned error values below 0.1, indicating accurate optimization of the kinetic parameters. Based on the obtained values of activation energy, it was clear that Sarchahan Formation contained type-Ⅱ kerogen with an activation energy of 48–52 kcal/mol, while Zakeen and Faraghun Formations contained type-III kerogen with activation energies of 70–80 kcal/mol and 44–56 kcal/mol, respectively. The geographical distribution of the samples studied in this work, it was found that the organic matter (OM) quantity and quality increased as one moved toward the Coastal Fars in Sarchahan Formation. The same trend was observed as one moved from the southern coasts of Iran toward the shaly and coaly portions of Faraghun Formation in the center of the Persian Gulf.
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Divisions of Zagros Basin from the northwest to the south.
Stratigraphic column of Zagros Basin within the age interval of interest (after Pierre C et al., 2020).
The distribution of activation energy of different type of kerogen.
Location map the studied fields and the sampling points at Faraghun Mount.
Plot of S1 vs. TOC for samples from Sarchahan and Faraghun Formations.
S1+S2 vs. TOC of samples taken from Sarchahan and Faraghun Formations.
HI vs. Tmax of samples taken from Sarchahan and Faraghun Formations.
Plot of S2 vs. TOC for samples taken from Sarchahan and Faraghun Formations.
Plot of PI vs. Tmax for samples taken from Sarchahan and Faraghun Formations.
Distribution of kinetic parameters for the samples taken from Faraghun Formation: a–Sample A, b–Sample B, c–Sample C, and d–Sample D.
The rate of HC generation for the samples taken from Faraghun Formation: a–sample A, b–sample B, c–sample C, and d–sample D.
The rate of kerogen to HC conversion for the samples taken from Faraghun Formation: a–Sample A, b–Sample B, c–Sample C, and d–Sample D.
Distributions of kinetic parameters for the samples taken from Sarchahan Formation: a–sample A, b–sample B, and c–sample C.
The kerogen-to-HC conversion temperature range and produced amount of HC for the samples taken from Sarchahan Formation: a–Sample A, b–Sample B, and c–Sample C.
The kerogen-to-HC conversion temperature range for the samples taken from Sarchahan Formation. a–Sample A, b–Sample B, and c–Sample C.