2022 Vol. 5, No. 1
Article Contents

Jun-ping Ren, Jie Wang, A-lei Gu, Li-bo Zuo, Hong-wei Sun, Kang-kang Xu, Fu-Qing He, Chipilauka Mukofu, Alphet Phaskani Dokowe, Ezekiah Chikambwe, 2022. Gold enrichment characteristics and exploration prospects in Zambia: Based on 1∶1000000 geochemical mapping, China Geology, 5, 60-70. doi: 10.31035/cg2021034
Citation: Jun-ping Ren, Jie Wang, A-lei Gu, Li-bo Zuo, Hong-wei Sun, Kang-kang Xu, Fu-Qing He, Chipilauka Mukofu, Alphet Phaskani Dokowe, Ezekiah Chikambwe, 2022. Gold enrichment characteristics and exploration prospects in Zambia: Based on 1∶1000000 geochemical mapping, China Geology, 5, 60-70. doi: 10.31035/cg2021034

Gold enrichment characteristics and exploration prospects in Zambia: Based on 1∶1000000 geochemical mapping

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  • The 1∶1000000 geochemical mapping of Zambia provides catchment sediment geochemical data for 58 elements including Au from 746 sediment samples at 736 sampling sites, corresponding to a sampling density of about one site per 1000 km2. Under strict quality control using field duplicates, certified reference materials, and analytical replicate samples, the Au was determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The detection limit of Au was 0.20 × 10−9. The 95% range (2.5%–97.5%) of Au concentrations was from 0.24 × 10−9 to 1.36 × 10−9, and the median value was 0.40 × 10−9. The most noticeable Au distribution patterns shown on the map are mainly located between Lusaka and Ndola (Lufilian Arc Belt). In addition, several high Au value areas occurred in Mansa, Muyombe, Chipata, and Livingstone. The spatial distribution patterns of Au in tectonic units, drainage basins, and geomorphological landscapes could be related to the Lufilian Arc Belt and Bangweulu Block. The Au concentrations show metallogenic belts between Muyombe and Mbala areas, between Mansa and Ndola areas, and between Lusaka and Kasempa areas.

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