2022 Vol. 5, No. 1
Article Contents

Bang-jun Liu, Guang-chen Chu, Cun-liang Zhao, Yu-zhuang Sun, 2022. Leaching behavior of Li and Ga from granitic rocks and sorption on kaolinite: Implications for their enrichment in the Jungar Coalfield, Ordos Basin, China Geology, 5, 34-45. doi: 10.31035/cg2021024
Citation: Bang-jun Liu, Guang-chen Chu, Cun-liang Zhao, Yu-zhuang Sun, 2022. Leaching behavior of Li and Ga from granitic rocks and sorption on kaolinite: Implications for their enrichment in the Jungar Coalfield, Ordos Basin, China Geology, 5, 34-45. doi: 10.31035/cg2021024

Leaching behavior of Li and Ga from granitic rocks and sorption on kaolinite: Implications for their enrichment in the Jungar Coalfield, Ordos Basin

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  • The granite collected from the Yinshan Mountain and kaolinite has been selected for the leaching and adsorption experiment, respectively, aiming to clarify the enrichment processes of Li and Ga during the deposition. Results suggest both Li and Ga could be leached out from granite by using different acid solutions of different pH and kaolinite can adsorb Li and Ga with varying degrees. Lithium and Ga had the highest leaching ratio when pH = 1. Special geological events (e.g. volcanic eruptions and wildfires), which could result in very low pH values of water in peatland, may have accelerated the release of Li and Ga from the source rocks. Kaolinite has the highest adsorption fraction was obtained at pH = 8. The different characteristics of Li and Ga displayed in the leaching and adsorption experiments probably result from the different occurrences and enrichment processes of Li and Ga in the coals. Lithium was probably enriched before the Li carriers (e.g. kaolinite) had been transported into paleomires because of its high leaching ratio and high adsorption fraction under neutral and alkaline conditions, whereas Ga was more likely concentrated by kaolinite and other carriers after it had been transported into the peat mires.

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