2021 Vol. 4, No. 1
Article Contents

Yu-zhen Fu, Zhi-ming Peng, Bao-di Wang, Guo-zhi Wang, Jing-feng Hu, Jun-lei Guan, Ji Zhang, Zhang Zhang, Yun-he Liu, Zou Hao, 2021. Petrology and metamorphism of glaucophane eclogites in Changning-Menglian suture zone, Bangbing area, southeast Tibetan Plateau: An evidence for Paleo-Tethyan subduction, China Geology, 4, 111-125. doi: 10.31035/cg2021017
Citation: Yu-zhen Fu, Zhi-ming Peng, Bao-di Wang, Guo-zhi Wang, Jing-feng Hu, Jun-lei Guan, Ji Zhang, Zhang Zhang, Yun-he Liu, Zou Hao, 2021. Petrology and metamorphism of glaucophane eclogites in Changning-Menglian suture zone, Bangbing area, southeast Tibetan Plateau: An evidence for Paleo-Tethyan subduction, China Geology, 4, 111-125. doi: 10.31035/cg2021017

Petrology and metamorphism of glaucophane eclogites in Changning-Menglian suture zone, Bangbing area, southeast Tibetan Plateau: An evidence for Paleo-Tethyan subduction

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  • High/ultrahigh-pressure (HP/UHP) metamorphic complexes, such as eclogite and blueschist, are generally regarded as significant signature of paleo-subduction zones and paleo-suture zones. Glaucophane eclogites have been recently identified within the Lancang Group characterized by accretionary mélange in the Changning-Menglian suture zone, at Bangbing in the Shuangjiang area of southeastern Tibetan Plateau. The authors report the result of petrological, mineralogical and metamorphism investigations of these rocks, and discuss their tectonic implications. The eclogites are located within the Suyi blueschist belt and occur as tectonic lenses in coarse-grained garnet muscovite schists. The major mineral assemblage of the eclogites includes garnet, omphacite, glaucophane, phengite, clinozoisite and rutile. Eclogitic garnet contains numerous inclusions, such as omphacite, glaucophane, rutile, and quartz with radial cracks around. Glaucophane and clinozoisite in the matrix have apparent optical and compositional zonation. Four stages of metamorphic evolution can be determined: The prograde blueschist facies (M1), the peak eclogite facies (M2), the decompression blueschist facies (M3) and retrograde greenschist facies (M4). Using the Grt-Omp-Phn geothermobarometer, a peak eclogite facies metamorphic P-T condition of 3000–3270 MPa and 617–658°C was determined, which is typical of low-temperature ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. The comparison of the geological characteristics of the Bangbing glaucophane eclogites and the Mengku lawsonite-bearing retrograde eclogites indicates that two suites of eclogites may have formed from significantly different depths or localities to create the tectonic mélange in a subduction channel during subduction of the Triassic Changning-Menglian Ocean. The discovery of the Bangbing glaucophane eclogites may represent a new oceanic HP/UHP metamorphic belt in the Changning-Menglian suture zone.

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