2020 Vol. 3, No. 4
Article Contents

Zhen Zhang, Gao-wen He, Hui-qiang Yao, Xi-guang Deng, Miao Yu, Wei Huang, Wei Deng, Syed Waseem Haider, Naimatullah Sohoo, Noor Ahmed Kalhoro, 2020. Diapir structure and its constraint on gas hydrate accumulation in the Makran accretionary prism, offshore Pakistan, China Geology, 3, 611-622. doi: 10.31035/cg2020049
Citation: Zhen Zhang, Gao-wen He, Hui-qiang Yao, Xi-guang Deng, Miao Yu, Wei Huang, Wei Deng, Syed Waseem Haider, Naimatullah Sohoo, Noor Ahmed Kalhoro, 2020. Diapir structure and its constraint on gas hydrate accumulation in the Makran accretionary prism, offshore Pakistan, China Geology, 3, 611-622. doi: 10.31035/cg2020049

Diapir structure and its constraint on gas hydrate accumulation in the Makran accretionary prism, offshore Pakistan

More Information
  • The Makran accretionary prism is located at the junction of the Eurasian Plate, Arabian Plate and Indian Plate and is rich in natural gas hydrate (NGH) resources. It consists of a narrow continental shelf, a broad continental slope, and a deformation front. The continental slope can be further divided into the upper slope, middle slope, and lower slope. There are three types of diapir structure in the accretionary prism, namely mud diapir, mud volcano, and gas chimney. (1) The mud diapirs can be grouped into two types, namely the ones with low arching amplitude and weak-medium activity energy and the ones with high arching amplitude and medium-strong activity energy. The mud diapirs increase from offshore areas towards onshore areas in general, while the ones favorable for the formation of NGH are mainly distributed on the middle slope in the central and western parts of the accretionary prism. (2) The mud volcanoes are mainly concentrated along the anticline ridges in the southern part of the lower slope and the deformation front. (3) The gas chimneys can be grouped into three types, which are located in piggyback basins, active anticline ridges, and inactive anticline ridges, respectively. They are mainly distributed on the middle slope in the central and western parts of the accretionary prism and most of them are accompanied with thrust faults. The gas chimneys located at different tectonic locations started to be active at different time and pierced different horizons. The mud diapirs, mud volcanoes, and gas chimneys and thrust faults serve as the main pathways of gas migration, and thus are the important factors that control the formation, accumulation, and distribution of NGH in the Makran accretionary prism. Mud diapir/gas chimney type hydrate develop in the middle slope, mud volcano type hydrate develop in the southern lower slope and the deformation front, and stepped accretionary prism type hydrate develop on the central and northern lower slope. The middle slope, lower slope and deformation front in the central and western parts of the Makran accretionary prism jointly constitute the NGH prospect area.

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