2020 Vol. 3, No. 1
Article Contents

Deng-hong Wang, Hong-zhang Dai, Shan-bao Liu, Cheng-hui Wang, Yang Yu, Jing-jing Dai, Li-jun Liu, Yue-qing Yang, Sheng-chao Ma, 2020. Research and exploration progress on lithium deposits in China, China Geology, 3, 137-152. doi: 10.31035/cg2020018
Citation: Deng-hong Wang, Hong-zhang Dai, Shan-bao Liu, Cheng-hui Wang, Yang Yu, Jing-jing Dai, Li-jun Liu, Yue-qing Yang, Sheng-chao Ma, 2020. Research and exploration progress on lithium deposits in China, China Geology, 3, 137-152. doi: 10.31035/cg2020018

Research and exploration progress on lithium deposits in China

More Information
  • Since 2012, some advances have been made through the resource investigation, metallogenesis research, and comprehensive utilizing of lithium deposits in China. Firstly, the progress of lithium exploration has been made in Sichuan, Xinjiang, Qinghai and Jiangxi provinces (autonomous region). Li deposits are not only found within the pegmatite rocks but also within the granitic rocks and sedimentary rocks. Secondly, the methods of geological survey, geochemical and geophysical exploration, remote sensing technology and even drilling technology have been improved, which can be delineating orebodies quickly. Thirdly, the mechanisms of Li mineralization were summarized by analyzing the relationship between the Li contents and kinds of geological phenomena. Based on practice, a new understanding of “multi-cycle, deep circulation, integration of internal and external” metallogenic mechanism or “MDIE” metallogenic mechanism for short has been put forwarded further in this paper, and the “five levels + basement” exploration model has been successfully expanded to guide the prospecting work both in the Jiajika and Keeryin pegmatite ore fields in western Sichuan Province. Besides, new progress has been made in the aspect of amblygonite deposits of granite-type and hydrothermal type in the Mufushan-Jiuling ore district, which points out a new direction for prospecting new types of lithium deposits in China.

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