Citation: | Mao-sheng Zhang, Hua-qi Wang, Ying Dong, Lin Li, Ping-ping Sun, Ge Zhang, 2020. Evaluation of urban underground space resources using a negative list method: Taking Xi’an City as an example in China, China Geology, 3, 124-136. doi: 10.31035/cg2020006 |
Utilization of urban underground space has become a vital approach to alleviate the strain on urban land resources, and to optimize the structure and pattern of the city. It is also very important to improve the city environment, build livable city and increase the capacity of the city. Based on the analysis of existing evaluation methods and their problems, a method for evaluating underground space resources based on a negative list of adverse factors affecting underground space development is proposed, to be primarily used in urban planning stages. A list of the adverse factors is established, including limiting factors, constraining factors and influencing factors. Taking Xi’an as an example, using a geographical information system platform, a negative list of adverse factors for the underground space resources in Xi’an City are evaluated, and preventive measures are proposed. Natural resources, exploitable resources, and the potential growth of exploitable underground space resources are evaluated. Underground space assessment in the different development stages of the city, collaborative utilization and safety evaluation for multiple subsurface resources, environmental impact and assessment, as well as evaluation methods based on big data and intelligent optimization algorithms are all discussed with the aim of serving city planning and construction.
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The limiting area of the underground space utilization within the second ring of Xi’an.
The reasonable avoidance distances for faults of different activity. a−avoid distance of fault with the strong activity; b−avoid distance of fault with the medium activity; c−avoid distance of fault with the weak activity.
means weak activity of the faults;
means medium activity of the faults;
means strong activity of the faults.
The avoidance distance for ground fissures. a−avoid distance of ground fissures with the strong activity; b−avoid distance of ground fissures with the medium activity; c−avoid distance of ground fissures with the weak activity.
means weak activity of the ground fissures;
means medium activity of the ground fissures;
means strong activity of the ground fissures.
The evaluation figure of the constraining factors.
Subsidence contours and distribution figure. a−land subsidence contours in Xi’an during 1960−2008; b−land subsidence area in Xi’an during 2007−2012.
Loess collapsibility map in Xi’an.
Sand liquefaction map in Xi’an.
The evaluation figure of the influencing factors.
The integrated evaluation of urban underground space resources.