2019 Vol. 2, No. 4
Article Contents

Zhong-yang Lin, Xi-bin Han, Xiang-long Jin, Chao-hui Zhu, Liang Yi, Zheng-gang Li, 2019. Magnetostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental significance of sediments from ANT29-P7-09 core in Prydz Bay, Antarctica, China Geology, 2, 493-500. doi: 10.31035/cg2018134
Citation: Zhong-yang Lin, Xi-bin Han, Xiang-long Jin, Chao-hui Zhu, Liang Yi, Zheng-gang Li, 2019. Magnetostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental significance of sediments from ANT29-P7-09 core in Prydz Bay, Antarctica, China Geology, 2, 493-500. doi: 10.31035/cg2018134

Magnetostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental significance of sediments from ANT29-P7-09 core in Prydz Bay, Antarctica

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  • Due to the unique geographical location and sensitive response to global climate changes, the Antarctic region plays an important role in paleoclimate researches, and attracts great attentions from various scholars. One 324 cm long sediment core (ANT29-P7-09) was obtained from Prydz Bay, Antarctica, during the 29th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition. Based on sediment particle size, TOC, δ13C analyses and magnetism data, the authors show that the dominant magnetic minerals are ferrimagnetic pseudo single domain (PSD)-multi domain (MD) magnetite. Variations in the paleoenvironmental records allow us to define 4 zones in the core. These zones outline the climatic variations in the region since the late Early Pleistocene, including a warm period, a transitional period, and a cold period. The magnetic particle assemblage varies with glacial-interglacial cycles. Abrupt changes in particle size, TOC content, and geomagnetism occur at 102–90 cm deep in the core, indicating a sudden warming in the Antarctic region, signaling the onset of the Holocene. The authors identified 3 additional climatic signals in the middle part of the core (232–162 cm) that show unexpected cooling events during the warm period in Prydz Bay, Antarctica.

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