2019 Vol. 2, No. 4
Article Contents

Xu-wen Qin, Bin Zhao, Fu-yuan Li, Bao-jin Zhang, Hou-jin Wang, Ru-wei Zhang, Jia-xiong He, Xi Chen, 2019. Deep structural research of the South China Sea: Progresses and directions, China Geology, 2, 530-540. doi: 10.31035/cg2018125
Citation: Xu-wen Qin, Bin Zhao, Fu-yuan Li, Bao-jin Zhang, Hou-jin Wang, Ru-wei Zhang, Jia-xiong He, Xi Chen, 2019. Deep structural research of the South China Sea: Progresses and directions, China Geology, 2, 530-540. doi: 10.31035/cg2018125

Deep structural research of the South China Sea: Progresses and directions

More Information
  • The South China Sea (SCS) is the hotspot of geological scientific research and nature resource exploration and development due to the potential for enormous hydrocarbon resource development and a complex formation and evolution process. The SCS has experienced complex geological processes including continental lithospheric breakup, seafloor spreading and oceanic crust subduction, which leads debates for decades. However, there are still no clear answers regarding to the following aspects: the crustal and Moho structure, the structure of the continent-ocean transition zone, the formation and evolution process and geodynamic mechanism, and deep processes and their coupling relationships with the petroliferous basins in the SCS. Under the guidance of the “Deep-Earth” science and technology innovation strategy of the Ministry of Natural Resources, deep structural and comprehensive geological research are carried out in the SCS. Geophysical investigations such as long array-large volume deep reflection seismic, gravity, magnetism and ocean bottom seismometer are carried out. The authors proposed that joint gravity-magnetic-seismic inversion should be used to obtain deep crustal information in the SCS and construct high resolution deep structural sections in different regions of the SCS. This paper systematically interpreted the formation and evolution of the SCS and explored the coupling relationship between deep structure and evolution of Mesozoic-Cenozoic basins in the SCS. It is of great significance for promoting the geosystem scientific research and resource exploration of the SCS.

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