2019 Vol. 2, No. 3
Article Contents

Yu-fang Wang, Gang-yi Zhai, Yong-chao Lu, Yi-quan Ma, Juan Li, Guo-heng Liu, Yun-xiao Zhang, 2019. Sedimentary lithofacies characteristics and sweet-spot interval characterization of the Sinian Doushantuo Formation in Upper Yangtze Platform, South China, China Geology, 2, 261-275. doi: 10.31035/cg2018119
Citation: Yu-fang Wang, Gang-yi Zhai, Yong-chao Lu, Yi-quan Ma, Juan Li, Guo-heng Liu, Yun-xiao Zhang, 2019. Sedimentary lithofacies characteristics and sweet-spot interval characterization of the Sinian Doushantuo Formation in Upper Yangtze Platform, South China, China Geology, 2, 261-275. doi: 10.31035/cg2018119

Sedimentary lithofacies characteristics and sweet-spot interval characterization of the Sinian Doushantuo Formation in Upper Yangtze Platform, South China

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  • Corresponding authors: 147444819@qq.com (Yu-fang Wang);  zhaigangyi@126.com (Gang-yi Zhai) 
  • The Sinian Doushantuo Formation is the oldest shale gas reservoir discovered in the world, which contains good shale gas shows as the Eyangye-1 and Zidi-1 wells in the Yichang Region of western Hubei province, China. The shales in the Doushantuo Formation feature considerable thickness (135 m), high gas content (4.83 m3/t) and high fragile mineral content (up to 75%). Due to the influences of the sedimentary environment, the shale reservoirs here have high dolomitic content (54%) and abruptly changes in vertical lithofacies. Moreover, the characteristics of the shale sweet-spot differ significantly from that in the Wufeng Formation and Longmaxi Formation in southeast Sichuan Basin. A high-resolution sequence stratigraphic correlation was performed on the shales of the Doushantuo Formation at the Eyangye-1 well, Zidi-1 well, Zidi-2 well and some outcrop profiles in Yichang area for the identification of their sedimentary microfacies characteristics. A comprehensive comparative analysis was made by incorporating the elemental geochemistry, wireline and mud logging data of the well to further identify the sweet-spot interval therein. With the analysis of Eyangye-1 well, the sweet-spot interval of the Doushantuo Formation is 3360−3408 m, of which sedimentary microfacies is deepwater reduced environment with many pyrite laminaes, and the TOC is high to 3.42%, the Ro is 3.3%, the organic and matrix pore are well developed and the aperture more than 50 nm, the porosity is 2.7%, the desorption gas content average is 2.16%, and the main mineral is dolomitic (54%) and siliceous quartz (21%). Additionally, these parameters combined with previous studies will shed light on evaluating and characterizing the layers therein, also provide referential geological data for the following exploration and development activities of this shale system.

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