Citation: | Yu-xi Zhang, Jian-wen Chen, Jiang-yu Zhou, Yong Yuan, 2019. Sedimentological sequence and depositional evolutionary model of Lower Triassic carbonate rocks in the South Yellow Sea Basin, China Geology, 2, 301-314. doi: 10.31035/cg2018113 |
Based on well logging and seismic data, combined with a comparative analysis of drilling data in the Lower Yangtze region, the sequence stratigraphic framework of the Qinglong Formation was established and divided into four third-order sequences. Each sequence is mainly composed of the transgress system tract (TST) and the high-stand system tract (HST). According to the lithology, logging curve and seismic reflection structure, the sedimentary filling characteristics and evolution law for the sequence are analyzed. The results show that each sequence is dominated by a half-cycle decline of sea level, and the rise-fall of sea level controls the distribution and evolution of sedimentary systems within the sequence. During the relative sea-level rise, sedimentation rates slow down and muddy sediments are developed. The characteristics of condensing intervals on the flooding surface are very obvious, and continental shelf and open platform deposition are mainly developed. During the relative decline of sea level, the thickness of sediments increased. The main developments were restricted platform and platform shoal environment, and locally developed evaporation platform environment.
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Location of the study area and division of the Lower Triassic strata (modified from Cai LX et al., 2017).
Identification signs of the Lower Triassic critical interface in the Lower Yangtze area.
Identification signs of the Lower Triassic critical interface in Lower Yangtze area.
Typical sedimentary characteristics of the Lower Triassic in the Lower Yangtze area. a, b–identification signs of the critical interface; c–e–identification signs of the field photo; f–nodular limestone, well N5; j– gray limestone and deep gray mudstone with different thicknesses, well N5; h–dark gray with “worm-like” limestone, well N5; i–brilliant crystal grain limestone, well WX5-ST1 (Liang J, 2011); j–bright crystal aggregate limestone, well WX5-ST1 (Liang J, 2011); k–dolomitic limestone, well csdp-2.
Sedimentologic sequence of the well Chang-1 in the Early Triassic.
The division of the Lower Triassic sequence in the Lower Yangtze area.
The stratigraphic division and typical seismic facies of the Early Triassic in the SYSB.
Distribution of the sedimentary facies of the Lower Triassic at the bottom of the SYSB.
The evolution model of the Lower Triassic sequence in the SYSB.
Sea level change and the migration of platform sediments.