2019 Vol. 2, No. 3
Article Contents

Xiao-ying Chen, Da-hai Liu, Ping Yin, Jin-qing Liu, Ke Cao, Fei Gao, 2019. Temporal and spatial evolution of surface sediments characteristics in the Dagu River estuary and their dynamic response mechanism, China Geology, 2, 325-332. doi: 10.31035/cg2018092
Citation: Xiao-ying Chen, Da-hai Liu, Ping Yin, Jin-qing Liu, Ke Cao, Fei Gao, 2019. Temporal and spatial evolution of surface sediments characteristics in the Dagu River estuary and their dynamic response mechanism, China Geology, 2, 325-332. doi: 10.31035/cg2018092

Temporal and spatial evolution of surface sediments characteristics in the Dagu River estuary and their dynamic response mechanism

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  • Based on the 39 surface sediment samples collected in the flood season and the dry season in 2012 respectively and the measured hydrological data in October 2012, the sediment grain size characteristics has been analyzed and the response mechanism of surface sediments to estuarine hydrodynamics was revealed by calculating the range of waves and tidal currents. The results show that: (1) The grain size of the surface sediment samples decreased gradually from land to sea in the flood season. The fine sediment was redistributed under marine hydrodynamics in the dry season and the sediments showed coarser tendency ingeneral; (2) tidal current stirring sediment was very obvious in Dagu River estuary area, and wave stirring sediments mainly occurred in the tidal flat area and estuary sand bar area; (3) in the flood season, surface sediment sat the estuary were transported towards south and southeast. In the dry season, surface sediments were transported towards southwest at the north area of Jiaozhou Bay Bridge, and sediments were transported towards northeast area at the south of Jiaozhou Bay Bridge.

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