Citation: | Rui-zhao Qiu, Stephen D. Ludington, Su Zhou, Yong-jie Tan, Guang-sheng Yan, Zhi-gang Liu, Xiu-fa Chen, Quan-long Zhu, Lei Qiu, Xiao-dong Ren, Li-ke Zhao, 2018. Discussion on the dextral movement and its effect in continental China and adjacent areas since Cenozoic, China Geology, 1, 522-539. doi: 10.31035/cg2018056 |
Continental China has moved dextral Eastward since Cenozoic time, driven by the collision of the Indian with the Eurasian plate. Evidence for this comes from landscape evolution, the distribution of earthquake epicenters, Cenozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks, and the measurement of GPS velocity vectors, the distribution of crustal stress, paleomagnetic data, and deep mantle structure, among others. This movement commenced around 40 Ma, coupled with thickened lithosphere and widespread stress release along strike-slip faults that bound the continental Chinese block. Because of continued Northward subduction of the Indian plate, manifestation of the dextral movement has intensified since 25 Ma. Far-reaching effects include extensive strike-slip movement on the Tan-Lu fault in Eastern China, formation of the Dabie ultrahigh pressure metamorphic terrane, extensive thrust faults in East China, delamination and thickening of the lithosphere of South China, a possible tectonic doubling of the Middle-Lower Yangtze Valley metallogenic belt, and the formation of the Japan, Huanghai (East China), and South China Sea.
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Current crustal velocity field in China and its adjacent areas (after Li Q et al., 2012).
Showing the distribution of maximum compressive stress direction in middle-East Asia (modified from Wang SZ, 2001; base map on drawing No.GS (2018) 4707). 1–the speculate maximum compressive stress direction of low lithosphere according to plastic flow network; 2–the speculate maximum compressive stress direction of multi-shock layer according to focal mechanism; 3–the driven boundary of plastic flow network system; H–Himalaya arc; T–Taiwan arc; B–Burma arc.
Sketch map showing the circular structures in South China area (after Shu XJ, 2005).
Sketch map showing the rotation map of continental China and adjacent areas.
Distribution of epicentre depths in continental China (after Qiu RZ et al., 2006, base map on drawing No.GS (2006) 771).
Reconstructed positions of India and Southeast Asian block (with respect to stable Siberia) at 50 Ma, 40 Ma, 30 Ma, 15 Ma, 10 Ma and 5 Ma (after Replumaz A et al., 2003, 2004).
Vertical sections of deep mantle structure beneath India/Asia plate boundary (after Replumaz A et al., 2004).
Schematic map showing the rotation format, the lithosphere-asthenosphere system and dynamic model of continental China and adjacent areas since Cenozoic.