Citation: | Zheng Duan, Guang-fu Xing, Sheng-bing Liao, Ping-li Chu, Wen-cheng Huang, Yan-hui Zhu, Xu-jie Shu, Chang-bo Li, 2018. Petrogenesis of the microcrystalline-dioritic enclaves from Jiuling granitoids in the eastern segment of Jiangnan Orogen and constraints on magma source materials, China Geology, 1, 374-391. doi: 10.31035/cg2018042 |
Numerous dark enclaves with different shapes are found in Jiuling Neoproterozoic granitoids. Precise LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating was conducted on zircons extracted from two microcrystalline enclave samples, yielding crystallization ages of 822.6±5.8 Ma and 822.2±6.2 Ma, respectively. The consistent ages within analytical errors with the host granitoids suggested that they were the products of the same magmatism. The microcrystalline-dioritic enclaves commonly show plastic forms and contain similar plagioclase megacrysts to the host rocks, and both of the enclaves and host granitoids showed a complex composition and structural imbalance in plagioclases. Furthermore, the apatites with a euhedral acicular shape occurred widely in the microcrystalline-dioritic enclaves. All of these petrographic features above imply magma mixing is involved in their diagenesis. The enclaves and host granitoids show a marked zircon trace element difference and Hf isotopic signatures without correlation in zircon trace element pairs but form their own system between enclaves and host granitoids. Additionally, most of the zircons show extremely high εHf (t) with εHf (t) =3.54−11.94 from the southern samples, and εHf (t) =1.0−9.09 from the central region. Some zircons with the higher εHf (t) are similar to the zircons from the juvenile island arc in the eastern segment of Jiangnan Orogen. Integrated geological and Hf isotopic characteristics suggest microcrystalline-dioritic enclaves were derived from the partial melting process of the Mesoproterozoic crust which enriched juvenile island arc materials and mixed with the granitic magma that remelted from the Mesoproterozoic continental crust which relatively enriched ancient sediments and mixed with the host granitoid in diagenesis.
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A geological sketch map of the studied area.
Field morphological characteristics of the microcrystalline-dioritic enclaves in Jiuling Pluton within the studied area.
Microscopical characteristics of the microcrystalline-dioritic enclaves in Jiuling Pluton within the studied area.
Zircons CL images and the site of analyzed points from microcrystalline-dioritic enclaves within the studied area.
Classification diagram for biotite (a) (after Foster MD, 1960) and FeOT/(FeOT+MgO)-MgO diagram on material sources of biotites (b) (after Zhou ZX, 1988) in biotite-granodiorite, tonalite, biotite monzogranite and microcrystalline dioritic enclaves from the studied area.
U-Pb Concordia diagram of the zircons from the microcrystalline-dioritic enclaves within the studied area.
Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of zircons from the microcrystalline-dioritic enclaves (chondrite values after Boynton WV et al., 1984).
206Pb/238U dating age vs εHf(t) correlations of the zircons from the microcrystalline-dioritic enclaves in the studied area, the data of host granitoids εHf(t) values from Duan Z et al., (2017).
Diagrams of zircon trace element correlations from the microcrystalline-dioritic enclaves.