2018 Vol. 1, No. 2
Article Contents

Jian-liang Ye, Xu-wen Qin, Hai-jun Qiu, Qian-yong Liang, Yi-fei Dong, Jian-gong Wei, Hai-long Lu, Jing-an Lu, Yao-hong Shi, Chao Zhong, Zhen Xia, 2018. Preliminary results of environmental monitoring of the natural gas hydrate production test in the South China Sea, China Geology, 1, 202-209. doi: 10.31035/cg2018029
Citation: Jian-liang Ye, Xu-wen Qin, Hai-jun Qiu, Qian-yong Liang, Yi-fei Dong, Jian-gong Wei, Hai-long Lu, Jing-an Lu, Yao-hong Shi, Chao Zhong, Zhen Xia, 2018. Preliminary results of environmental monitoring of the natural gas hydrate production test in the South China Sea, China Geology, 1, 202-209. doi: 10.31035/cg2018029

Preliminary results of environmental monitoring of the natural gas hydrate production test in the South China Sea

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  • Corresponding author: yejianliang@hydz.cn 
  • Natural gas hydrate (NGH) is considered as one of the new clean energy sources of the 21st century with the highest potential. The environmental issues of NGH production have attracted the close attention of scientists in various countries. From May 10 to July 9, 2017, the first offshore NGH production test in the South China Sea (SCS) was conducted by the China Geological Survey. In addition, environmental security has also been effectively guaranteed via a comprehensive environmental monitoring system built during the NGH production test. The monitoring system considered sea-surface atmosphere methane and carbon dioxide concentrations, dissolved methane in the sea water column, and the seafloor physical oceanography and marine chemistry environment. The whole process was monitored via multiple means, in multiple layers, in all domains, and in real time. After the production test, an environmental investigation was promptly conducted to evaluate the environmental impact of the NGH production test. The monitoring results showed that the dissolved methane concentration in seawater and the near-seabed environment characteristics after the test were consistent with the background values, indicating that the NGH production test did not cause environmental problems such as methane leakage.

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