2018 Vol. 1, No. 2
Article Contents

Kai Sun, Lin-lin Zhang, Zhi-dan Zhao, Fu-qing He, Sheng-fei He, Xing-yuan Wu, Lei Qiu, Xiao-dong Ren, 2018. Episodic crustal growth in the Tanzania Craton: evidence from Nd isotope compositions, China Geology, 1, 210-224. doi: 10.31035/cg2018025
Citation: Kai Sun, Lin-lin Zhang, Zhi-dan Zhao, Fu-qing He, Sheng-fei He, Xing-yuan Wu, Lei Qiu, Xiao-dong Ren, 2018. Episodic crustal growth in the Tanzania Craton: evidence from Nd isotope compositions, China Geology, 1, 210-224. doi: 10.31035/cg2018025

Episodic crustal growth in the Tanzania Craton: evidence from Nd isotope compositions

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  • The analysis of available Nd isotope data from the Tanzania Craton places important constraints on the crust-mantle separation ages, and events marking juvenile crustal addition and crustal recycling. Nd model ages date the oldest crust extraction to 3.16 Ga in the Tanzania Craton, although a rock record of such antiquity is yet to be found there. The most significant period of juvenile crustal addition as well as crustal recycling is 2.7–2.6 Ga. The Nd isotopes of mafic samples show that chemical heterogeneity existed in the mantle beneath the Tanzania Craton, with some samples originating from significantly depleted mantle, and most samples originating from the mixture of primitive mantle and depleted mantle. The Nd isotope section reveals significant differences in Nd isotopes between the north craton and central craton; compared to the north craton, the central craton yields a Nd model age that is approximately 100 Ma older, and itsεNd(t) values are more negative, indicating that the two parts of the craton have different mantle source regions. Different types of granitoids are distributed in the Tanzania Craton, such as high-K and low-Al granite, calc-alkaline granite, peraluminous granite and transitional types of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorites (TTGs). Most of the granitoids formed later than the mafic rocks in syn-collision and post-collision events.

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