2018 Vol. 1, No. 3
Article Contents

Deng-hong Wang, Zhi Zhao, Yang Yu, Jing-jing Dai, Mao-chun Deng, Ting Zhao, Li-jun Liu, 2018. Exploration and research progress on ion-adsorption type REE deposit in South China, China Geology, 1, 415-424. doi: 10.31035/cg2018022
Citation: Deng-hong Wang, Zhi Zhao, Yang Yu, Jing-jing Dai, Mao-chun Deng, Ting Zhao, Li-jun Liu, 2018. Exploration and research progress on ion-adsorption type REE deposit in South China, China Geology, 1, 415-424. doi: 10.31035/cg2018022

Exploration and research progress on ion-adsorption type REE deposit in South China

More Information
  • Since 2011, certain advances have been made through the resource investigation, metallogenesis research, mining supervision and environmental protection of ion-adsorption type rare earth element (REE) deposit in South China. Firstly, some progress has been made in REE prospecting in Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan. REE deposits are not only found within the weathering crusts of granites and felsic volcanic rocks, but also within the weathering crusts of epimetamorphic rocks and basic magmatic rocks. Secondly, the methods of exploration, delineating ore bodies and calculation of reserves have been improved, which intuitively reflect the thickness, REE composition and value of weathering crust. Thirdly, the relationship between REEs and weathering degree and the rule of distribution, migration and enrichment of REEs in the weathering profile was summarized through the analysis of big data, which can predict the metallogenetic horizon of REEs. Fourthly, a method for quick, accurate and dynamic investigation of the REE deposit has been established by using high resolution remote sensing technology. Finally, the relation between the production status of REE mines and water pollution has been revealed based on long-term hydrochemical monitoring data of rivers and wells in mines and surrounding areas.

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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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