2023 Vol. 43, No. 3
Article Contents

HOU Dehua, PAN Zhilong, YANG Xinpeng, ZHANG Liguo, HE Jiaoyue, ZHANG Huan, CHENG Zhou, WANG Shuo, WANG Jingui. 2023. Chronology, geochemistry and tectonic significance of middle stage of Late Cretaceous adakite in Zhazuo aera, Tibet. Sedimentary Geology and Tethyan Geology, 43(3): 592-603. doi: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2021.01006
Citation: HOU Dehua, PAN Zhilong, YANG Xinpeng, ZHANG Liguo, HE Jiaoyue, ZHANG Huan, CHENG Zhou, WANG Shuo, WANG Jingui. 2023. Chronology, geochemistry and tectonic significance of middle stage of Late Cretaceous adakite in Zhazuo aera, Tibet. Sedimentary Geology and Tethyan Geology, 43(3): 592-603. doi: 10.19826/j.cnki.1009-3850.2021.01006

Chronology, geochemistry and tectonic significance of middle stage of Late Cretaceous adakite in Zhazuo aera, Tibet

  • In order to explain late Cretaceous adaktic rocks in South Gangdese and the geodynamic mechanism, we present zircon U-Pb chronology, Lu-Hf isotope and geochemistry analysis for the monzogranite from the Zhazuo area, Zhanang, Tibet. The zircon U-Pb dating yieldes 80.43±0.62 Ma for the Zhazuo monzogranite. The rocks are high-K Calc-alkaline metaluminous, with SiO2 (66.19%~66.84%), Al2O3 (15.17%~15.48%), MgO (1.67%~1.91%), Mg# (47.4~51.5), K2O (3.86%~4.09%), A/CNK (0.91~1.01). The rocks show typical adakitic features, with strongly riched in LREE, high Sr (492×10−6~670.2×10−6), low Y (8.27×10−6~14.99×10−6) and Yb (1.07×10−6~1.79×10−6), high Sr/Y (35.0~81.0) and La/Yb (17.4~21.4) and slightly negative Eu anomalies. They are enriched in LILE and depleted in HFSE, HREE. Zircon εHf(t) values range from 10.5 to 14.1, with tDM1 ranging from 184.8 Ma to 326.1 Ma and tDM2 ranging from 247.2 Ma to 476.0 Ma, slightly older than the emplaced age, indicating that the magma is derived from subducted oceanic crust probably with some subducted sediments.The Mg# value of the mantle component imprint in the rock and the content of compatible elements Ni and Cr are high, indicating that the melts have interacted with the mantle during ascent. Research analysis shows that the high heat flow flows through the slab window, which induce partial melting of oceanic crust and some subducted sediments, and forms the adakitic monzogranite in the Zhazuo area under the geodynamic setting of ridge subduction. It further indicates that Neo-Tethys is still in the ridge subduction stage at about 80 Ma.

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